tobyweston / temperature-machine

Data logger for multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors on one or more machines
Apache License 2.0
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Negative Temperatures #64

Closed GuyMartin closed 6 years ago

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

I installed the temperature machine image but it doesn't record negative temperatures correctly. I put one sensor in the freezer and once below zero the temperature read 4057.3 C. A problem with 2s complement maybe. Also times on the chart are 12 hour format but no am/pm indication. Can it display 24 hr system

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Are you on the latest version?

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

I downloaded the image from your google drive. I tried 'git pull' from the temperature-machine folder. Unable to access I accessed the url on a pc ok, perhaps I should download it there and copy across with winscp and run sbt assembly.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

You'll need to get git pull working and then the compilation steps (see website). You'll need internet access... can't think what else would be wrong with github. Perhaps post your full error message / commands you ran in full here?

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

Made git work, I had set a static ip addess. Jessie doesn't seem to like domain_name_servers= used dhcp. Ran git pull, ran sbt ............assembly all ok lots of green comments. Rebooted system . After login a message '-bash: no such file or directory'. t-m.log shows all happy but a blank web page. title is ok but no data.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

I don't recognise the command, it's not something that's used in temperature-machine (at least that I can think of).

Where do you see this? When you login to the Pi via ssh? If so, could be the Jessie install is using it somewhere. apt-get update/upgrade might help?

RE blank page, can you share you full log? and a screen shot?

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

temperature-machine.log 2018-03-18 23:09:18:451+0000 [main] INFO Starting temperature-machine (server mode)... 2018-03-18 23:09:18:500+0000 [main] INFO RRD initialising for 'greenhouse' (with up to 5 sensors each)... 2018-03-18 23:09:18:509+0000 [main] INFO Ok 2018-03-18 23:09:18:518+0000 [main] INFO Starting Discovery Server, listening for 'greenhouse'... 2018-03-18 23:09:18:551+0000 [main] INFO Writing to the RRD every 30 seconds (sample times may be off by +/- 30 seconds, maybe a little more) 2018-03-18 23:09:18:558+0000 [temperature-machine-discovery-server-1] INFO Listening for broadcast messages... 2018-03-18 23:09:20:941+0000 [main] INFO Monitoring sensor file(s) on 'greenhouse' /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316a48368ff/w1_slave /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0516a51240ff/w1_slave

2018-03-18 23:09:21:040+0000 [temperature-graphing-thread-3] DEBUG Generating RRD chart for last 30 days 2018-03-18 23:09:21:043+0000 [temperature-graphing-thread-2] DEBUG Generating RRD chart for last 7 days 2018-03-19 09:31:31:363+0000 [temperature-http-server-1] DEBUG Unknown type sent from ws client: Close(Array(2)) e-graphing-thread-2] DEBUG Generating RRD chart for last 7 days 2018-03-19 09:31:31:363+0000 [temperature-http-server-1] DEBUG Unknown type sent from ws client: Close(Array(2))


The gettext appeared when I installed from your google drive, upgraded to stretch (asper your instructions) and run git pull The attached are from your original Jessie google drive install after running git pull

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

The blank page is odd. Can you view source? See what HTML is really there? curl or wget the same page? Can you run curl or wget (or via a browser) against [yourhost:11900]/temperatures to get back some json? or /version? oh and do a git pull and sbt assembly first.

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

I did git pull (already up to date) sbt ..... assembly completed ok in 39 secs. At the cli, wget http://localhost:11900/temperatures produced a file temperatures.txt The blank page viewed on a pc alt-view produced temperature-machineâ„¢.txt

Hope this is some help

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

That's all as it should be. Can you try hitting the .js file it's referring to?


What browser are you using? Can you get the developer tools up for it and check for errors on the console? I've only tested on Chrome and Safari btw. ah, I see from your screenshot its IE, I think F12 gets the dev tools up (

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

There's some talk of webpack causing this kind of thing, I can't reproduce though to try a few things out 😢

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

I didn't think to check a different browser. Well spotted. It works in Firefox and Chrome (just downloaded it). Negative temperatures work !! But..I only now see one sensor. I will do an update/upgrade see what that does.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Did you toggle the ‘show all sensors’ switch on the menu? It shows averages temps by default

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

We should get it working with IE anyway so if you see anything in the dev tools, let me know

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

Missed the menu (too late at night). It works perfectly now. An excellent program, does everything I want. IE seems to fail on a few things now. Getting to grips with Linux too ! Many thanks.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

No worries, glad its working for you now.

Out of interest, I noticed you said it took 39 seconds to build earlier. What are you running that on? Are you building on a Pi (seems too fast for that) or building on a desktop and copying stuff over?

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

You asked me to wget the blank page but do git pull first. I had already done one, guess that's why it is quick. I'm running on a pi 3 model b v2. It's a lot quicker than one I borrowed with the old 26 pin connector. Running the sensors on a desktop might be a challenge. One final query (I hope) can I change the port no to 80, no real reason just wondered.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

RE Port 80, I'd suggest you use a port forwarder either hosted yourself (like Apache) or publically. This lets you setup your machine on the public internet and just forward /temperatures or whatever to your host 11900. If you want to just change the code to default to 80, search in files for the port number. I think it's in Server.scala... see

GuyMartin commented 6 years ago

Ok, something for later maybe. I noticed that if I select 'all sensors' in the menu when I refresh the page it defaults to average but I guess that's a feature from reloading the page.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Yep, it's designed as a reactive "single page app". You shouldn't need to click the browser refresh.

Temperatures update automatically and there is a refresh icon for the main chart (by design)

If you want to simulate a refresh, navigate to another page via the menu then back to temperatures (but you shouldn't need to)