tobyweston / temperature-machine

Data logger for multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors on one or more machines
Apache License 2.0
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Port already in use when starting up #66

Closed tobyweston closed 6 years ago

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Trying to start up with the temperature-machine command (or even to check the version) will fail if it is already running. The message is as follows.

$ temperature-machine -- -v
Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 1616; nested exception is: Address already in use

It'd be nicer to report that the server is already running and to stop it before trying again.

The following

nc -z 11900; echo $?

...will return 0 if it is running (could use port 1616 also). Could use this in the startup script to check and fail before even trying to startup the JVM.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Create a random port with

but then it's tricky to communicate the chosen port with the outside world. One way would be to rely on Java's logging:



which outputs the following on startup (which should appear in the main log TBC):

ConnectorBootstrap startRemoteConnectorServer
CONFIG: JMX Connector ready at: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://UKLONLT929592:53250/jmxrmi
tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Fixed in 2.1