tobyweston / temperature-machine

Data logger for multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors on one or more machines
Apache License 2.0
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Add a Release file to package and sign #84

Closed tobyweston closed 4 years ago

tobyweston commented 5 years ago

See #83 (and #70 whilst you're there)

tobyweston commented 4 years ago

See for a summary of if the sbt native packager could help. Unfortunately not 😢 but thanks to @muuki88 for the packager and stay awesome! 👍

tobyweston commented 4 years ago


Possible steps:

  1. create the archive
  2. sign it
  3. publish key (using debian-archive-keyring?)
    # create release file
    apt-ftparchive release

sign it

gpg --clearsign -o InRelease Release gpg -abs -o Release.gpg Release

publish it


* Random (maybe old) mailing list archive
* [How to generate the `Release` file on a local package repository?]( on SO
* [Good Medium article](
tobyweston commented 4 years ago

Using aptly, I've managed to create the following repo structure. It's very different than the hand rolled version but switching the sources.list on a Pi with TM already installed, seems to work fine.

├── dists
    │   └── stable                          <- distribution
    │       ├── Contents-armhf.gz
    │       ├── InRelease
    │       ├── Release
    │       ├── Release.gpg
    │       └── temperature-machine         <- component (defaults to main)
    │           ├── Contents-armhf.gz       
    │           └── binary-armhf            <- architecture
    │               ├── Packages
    │               ├── Packages.bz2
    │               ├── Packages.gz
    │               └── Release
    └── pool
        └── temperature-machine
            └── t
                └── temperature-machine
                    ├── temperature-machine_2.1_all.deb
                    └── temperature-machine_2.2_all.deb

aptly would replace the existing dpkg-scanpackages mechanism and signs everything as well as create additional files like the InRelease file.

User's would have to change the entry in sources.list to the following.

deb stable temperature-machine

and manually import my key (which on the Pi, requires sudo)

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 00258F48226612AE

Still a few more things to figure out and to write up but I think this is the way I'll go.