tobyweston / temperature-machine

Data logger for multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors on one or more machines
Apache License 2.0
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Update Debian package spec to avoid Oracle Java 8 (it's no longer supported) #89

Closed rnazaryan closed 4 years ago

rnazaryan commented 5 years ago

Using sudo apt-get install temperature-machine tries to install oracle-java8-jdk, but Oracle stopped the public release of java 8 back in May...could other versions of java be supported?

tobyweston commented 5 years ago

Should be an easy fix, openJDK 8 or potentially higher. I'll comment here when I figure out (remind myself) what needs to be done but I imagine it's a change to the release bundle / package spec (package.sbt).

tobyweston commented 5 years ago

The ❌above on a334068 means, it no like oracle 9

tobyweston commented 5 years ago

Some context: I want to see if we can build locally and on CI with the following.

to give the option to just switch over. But then I'd like to see if there would be any problems going up through the versions, up to 11.

Although I think the most sensible leap (at least with the Scala aspect is to go to Java 11, skipping 9, and 10 (see, it's not clear to me yet if there'd be any unforeseen surprises with Raspian.

If I'm reading the recent change with Oracle licencing correctly and the LTS view being only on 11, again we should probably skip 9 and 10.

tobyweston commented 5 years ago

Nothing is easy, looks like the version of RRD4J we use doesn't support Java >8.

3.3.1 ( would fix it but previous API breaking changes make that difficult for us. This would be a yak shave and I'd much rather move away from RRD to Influx #73 anyway.

Tl;DR to support Java 11, first upgrade RRD4J 🤢

tobyweston commented 5 years ago

As expected CI reports we can't run against Java 11 ❌


tobyweston commented 4 years ago

This is fixed now. 👍

When you do an update be sure to use the following command.

sudo apt-get update  --allow-insecure-repositories

This is required until I fix #84

Jurgen1234 commented 3 years ago

Hi - A very noobie. I have all downloaded and updated, but when I run temperature-machine --init, it says I need to update java. Done that, but no go. I need step by step instructions to get the java working and going. Hardware all done, w1_slave file there. Above info is beyond me. Running "Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)".

tobyweston commented 3 years ago

Can you give some more details? What version of Java was installed and what did it want to upgrade to? I'd tested on Buster but am curious if I missed something. The install should install the correct version of Java (OpenJDK 8).