tochoromero / aurelia-table

Simple functional data table for Aurelia
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revealItem compilation error when "strict": true in tsconfig.json #62

Open sreddim opened 6 years ago

sreddim commented 6 years ago

Hi , I have used revealItem and $isSelected to programatically select a row in Table. This works when I define the api as type object and my tsconfig.json does not have strict: true rule. For several other reasons and issues caused during router parameter values typecasting I am using strict: true rule now.

Since then I am getting api.revealItem compilation error and view does not open.

arendetableApi: any; I have tried to initialize this in the constructor as below this.arendetableApi= {};

Still having this error. Please help. My programming environment: Aurelia , Typescript, webpack with VSCode

Inner Error: Message: this.arendetableApi.revealItem is not a function Inner Error Stack: TypeError: this.arendetableApi.revealItem is not a function at new DocumentVM (webpack-internal:///components/document/document:78:29) at Object.invoke (webpack-internal:///4:491:12) at InvocationHandler.invoke (webpack-internal:///4:431:166) at Container.invoke (webpack-internal:///4:702:23) at StrategyResolver.get (webpack-internal:///4:145:35) at Container.get (webpack-internal:///4:641:21) at eval (webpack-internal:///3:4637:71) at tryCatcher (webpack-internal:///26:5256:23) at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (webpack-internal:///26:3278:31) at Promise._settlePromise (webpack-internal:///26:3335:18) at Promise._settlePromise0 (webpack-internal:///26:3380:10) at Promise._settlePromises (webpack-internal:///26:3459:18) at eval (webpack-internal:///26:175:25) at MutationObserver.eval (webpack-internal:///26:4510:17) End Inner Error Stack