tochoromero / aurelia-table

Simple functional data table for Aurelia
MIT License
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Unable To load aurelia-table #70

Open tristan625 opened 5 years ago

tristan625 commented 5 years ago

HI There, I am unable to load my app/aurelia-table after bundling aurelia-table. I am using the aurelia-cli in my app and installed & configured the aurelia-table in both main.js and aurelia.json as detailed at but when I build my app and run it in the browser i get the error SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' aurelia-table.js:1. what I noticed is that aurelia-table.js is being requested separately by the browser , so I see a call in the network tab like this http://localhost:9000/src/aurelia-table.js why is this required when the aurelia-table is bundled in the vendor-bundle file produced by aurelia-cli, and AFAIK since there is no aurelia-table.js at the URL above the call fails and thus the page does not load. How do i resolve this? au/aurelia version :- 0.34.0