tockn / MPU6050_tockn

Arduino library for easy communication with MPU6050
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accZ is always -2.00 on ESP32 #35

Open TheAnosmic opened 4 years ago

TheAnosmic commented 4 years ago

I'm using mpu6050.calcGyroOffsets(); on setup while it's resting on my table. The acceleration I get (with the example code only) are: accX : -1.50 accY : -1.19 accZ : -2.00 X and Y are weird because it's sitting still on my table, but they at least change. the Z stays at -2.00 no matter how I wiggle it. it's a gy521 connected with I2C to ESP32 dev board. any ideas on how to debug it?

Calculating offsets gave me: X : -370.80 Y : 1.26 Z : -5.39 if that somehow helps.

Titibo26 commented 4 years ago

Did you check your input voltage ? Did you check if the mpu is well seen with I2C scanner ?

If yes, did you try to reset the esp ? Each time im using the mpu, the first time im turning on the mpu it's giving me wrong datas but when i reset it, it's working correctly. I didn't find why it's doing that (probably some registers inside the esp or the mpu wich are not going on the same state when turning up and reseting...)

TheAnosmic commented 4 years ago

Just checked with a different 5V supply just for the MPU, it's the same. the I2C communication works, I see all of the other information flow as it supposed to, it's just the accZ. I'm resetting everything all the time, that's part of the project I'm working on.

I will try to get another gy521 to test it.

pjphel commented 4 years ago

I think its supposed to be 3.3V not 5V

Titibo26 commented 4 years ago

Even in 3.3V it is doing the same :(