tockn / MPU6050_tockn

Arduino library for easy communication with MPU6050
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The mpu6050 fast jitter Angle becomes smaller #55

Open MrXu-98 opened 8 months ago

MrXu-98 commented 8 months ago

For example, 180 degrees will gradually change to 0 degrees and negative numbers, and will restore the Angle after stability 是这个时钟的问题吗 `gyroX -= gyroXoffset; gyroY -= gyroYoffset; gyroZ -= gyroZoffset;

interval = (millis() - preInterval) * 0.001; // interval = 0.0001;//次数受芯片时钟影响,将其设置成一个固定值

angleGyroX += gyroX interval; angleGyroY += gyroY interval; angleGyroZ += gyroZ * interval;`