tocwex / fund

A sovereign platform for peer-to-peer economic activity with on-chain settlement and trusted identity assessment of work completion.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Reputation Milestone 3 - Social Graph Prototype #64

Open thelifeandtimes opened 1 month ago

thelifeandtimes commented 1 month ago

As the last milestone in this track, we will release a prototype 'graph explorer' that allows an urbit operator to traverse their ships' own understanding of other network participants. This will include ways to view a given urbit’s past pledges, fulfillments, projects, associated funding addresses, and any suspected welching. Through this prototype and the associated community feedback, we expect to be able to scope a more thorough reputation protocol that makes use of a blend of on- and off-chain data. This graph will be a subjective view of this data and intends to explore the space of information asymmetry in economic contracting.