(I mentioned elsewhere) The board has 2 - 3.3V regulators, providing better noise isolation for audio section. Sourcing the board with 3.3V will provide somewhat insufficient voltage and less noise reduction.
The MicrOne brand ME6211 voltage regulator specs mentions the LDO regulator has a 100mV dropout (@100ma and adequate source voltage) their regulator performance specs are with a 4.3V source.
The PCM5102 should be more stable with 5V vin., it's logic interfaces are all 3.3V compatible.
TI specifies their PCM5102 chip operating voltage range is Min 3.0, nom 3.3, max 3.6 Probably worth measuring the onboard regulator outputs in your circuit.
(I mentioned elsewhere) The board has 2 - 3.3V regulators, providing better noise isolation for audio section. Sourcing the board with 3.3V will provide somewhat insufficient voltage and less noise reduction. The MicrOne brand ME6211 voltage regulator specs mentions the LDO regulator has a 100mV dropout (@100ma and adequate source voltage) their regulator performance specs are with a 4.3V source. The PCM5102 should be more stable with 5V vin., it's logic interfaces are all 3.3V compatible. TI specifies their PCM5102 chip operating voltage range is Min 3.0, nom 3.3, max 3.6 Probably worth measuring the onboard regulator outputs in your circuit.