toddbranch / ECE382

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Lab 8 problems #65

Closed scouticus closed 10 years ago

scouticus commented 11 years ago

I found a couple of problems with the lab 8 assignment sheet.

First there is this part: Do not step onto the maze since the floor will not support your weight.B You will notice the maze floor is cracked from cadets who ignored this advice.

...which has a random "B" in between the two sentences

Second, it refers to a Figure 1 twice, which is a diagram of the maze, which seems not to appear anywhere I could find.

Next, there are a bunch of spaces in between certain paragraphs and lists, but no spaces in between other lists, or even other parts of the same lists. It makes me cringe because of the way it's formatted.

It also refers to ECE 383 in the first paragraph, which I don't believe is a class, and even if it is, it is not this class, so I think it should be fixed.

In the third "Hint", it uses the word: bguideb, which I don't know if that means something in any programming language, but if it doesn't, I think it should probably be the word "guide"

I think that's all I found in this one

scouticus commented 11 years ago

I know this is more formatting rather than actual debugging, but honestly, it's important stuff for me.

toddbranch commented 11 years ago

Good call. When I copy paste from Word into my text editor (Vim), those random Bs show up everywhere. I'll definitely fix it before the lab. I'll leave this open until then. All the other stuff are things I'll add. Thanks for making the issue and noting all the problems.