toddmedema / electrify

Take Charge of the Power Market
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Add panel: Policy levers #63

Open toddmedema opened 3 months ago

toddmedema commented 3 months ago

Perhaps all policies are sliders, where the middle means nothing, and going farther on either side costs more and has marginally less and less impact (although some policies could be either a boolean checkbox, or one-sided slider, e.g. Time of Use Rates)

Specific policy ideas:

  1. Subsidize heat pumps, or make permitting more complex - costs money to subsidize, but increased adoption reduces peak energy load from heating in winter
  2. Subsidize solar, or make permitting more complex - costs money to subsidize, reduces consumer demand based on solar availability
  3. Time of Use Rates - slightly pushes consumer demand to hours that you specify
  4. Demand Response technologies - costs money to implement; the more cumulative money you spend, the larger % of demand/timing you control (would need some new UI work for managing the Demand Response once implemented)
  5. TODO: Brainstorm what other levers utilities have here - subsidizing energy efficiency upgrades?