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To become an google developer expert. #6

Closed rajasekarm closed 8 years ago

rajasekarm commented 8 years ago

Hey Todd, I am following your blog/twitter for a long time. Its very useful also. I have one question for you, I am a Front end engineer have depth knowledge in HTML5, CSS3 and JS. I want to apply for google developer expert. Can you guide me?


toddmotto commented 8 years ago

Hey @rajzshkr! Glad you like the blog :)

So, there are two ways you can "apply" (or rather, be recommended): 1) Google employee recommendation 2) Existing GDE recommendation

What you essentially need "to do" is share knowledge (though there is obviously no formula or guarantee to "get in" and getting into the GDE program was something I never aimed for), help others in multiple different ways.

Ways of sharing/helping: