toddrob99 / MLB-StatsAPI

Python wrapper for MLB Stats API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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sports_players endpoint requiring season param excludes unsigned FA's #100

Closed aulttd01 closed 1 year ago

aulttd01 commented 1 year ago

Can the season requirement be dropped from the sports_players endpoint? MLB is excluding unsigned FA's when querying api/v1/sports/1/players?season=[season] so players like Carlos Correa and Gary Sanchez aren't showing. But when I drop the query param on the MLB side (or query for last season), I get those players coming back

toddrob99 commented 1 year ago

I'm not exactly sure what you're hoping to accomplish by making the season parameter unrequired. If it's left out, it appears to default to 2022 currently. At some point it will start defaulting to 2023 and then it will again exclude unsigned free agents. It seems better to specify the season so you will know what response to expect. If you really want to leave it out and let the API decide what to return, you can add force=True to your statsapi.get() call: statsapi.get("sports_players", {}, force=True).

toddrob99 commented 1 year ago

Please also note that the StatsAPI documentation says season is a required parameter. That's why it is required in this wrapper. I realize the API uses a default value, but thought it was worth mentioning I didn't decide on my own to make it required.

aulttd01 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the follow up - my bad on not seeing that MLB was defaulting to 2022 on their end when season is omitted. For some reason I just assumed it was returning all active players, but that makes sense it would default to something.

For context, I'm building a player comparison tool and using this wrapper for career stats comparisons. That's why I was wondering if there's a way I could drop the season. My "beta" version was going to be active player career comp's only. Was going to expand eventually to all players and allow season selection, too.