toddrob99 / searcharr

Sonarr & Radarr & Readarr Telegram Bot
MIT License
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change language #55

Closed hugolino closed 1 year ago

hugolino commented 1 year ago

hi, i don't know what i'm doing wrong, I clone the git repository, i added a logs directory, edit my, my docker-compose.yml and add a fr-fr.yml file in the lang folder. In my i put "fr-fr".

When i compose my container the log says : 2022-09-14 20:54:49,514 - ERROR - searcharr(548159638600):1749 - Error loading lang/fr-fr.yml. Confirm searcharr_language in has a corresponding yml file in the lang subdirectory. Using default (English) language file.

What i'm doing wrong ?

Thanks for the bot by the way !

toddrob99 commented 1 year ago

The docker image does not include lang\fr-fr.yml yet. Even though you have it in your local folder, it's not included in the docker image unless you build a new docker image from your local repo that includes the additional file.

You can mount the file in your docker container until I am able to test and publish with the French language file included (should be fairly soon, maybe this weekend). In your docker-compose.yml, add a volume mapping similar to the one for, something like this: - ./fr-fr.yml:/app/lang/fr-fr.yml. Put fr-fr.yml in the same folder as docker-compose.yml and that should work, or adjust the local path accordingly.

toddrob99 commented 1 year ago

I was able to find some time to complete adding French support and publish v2.2. It should be available on docker hub shortly.

hugolino commented 1 year ago

thank you very much !