toddrob99 / searcharr

Sonarr & Radarr & Readarr Telegram Bot
MIT License
244 stars 62 forks source link

Ability to specify the name after the search command. #62

Open Anzic23 opened 1 year ago

Anzic23 commented 1 year ago

I used to use another bot, there was an opportunity to send a command to search for a movie / series, and only after that it was necessary to specify the name. It was convenient, you could create commands on the menu button, send a command to search for a movie and only then add the name of the movie. Is it possible to implement such a possibility in your solution?

StarvingDeveloper commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a good idea!

toddrob99 commented 1 year ago

It is a good idea, and I have already looked into it a few months ago. The problem is Searcharr was not designed to maintain chat conversations. Instead, it takes the initial command and everything else for that conversation happens through inline keyboards and updating of the bot's response. Searcharr was designed this way to ensure the chat is clean during and after the process. I am not saying it's impossible to add support for the title to be provided after the command, but it will not be a small change. Maybe if there's enough interest shown here I'll move it higher on the to-do list.

In the meantime, if the conversational approach is what you're looking for, you might want to look into I contributed to Addarr before creating Searcharr, and it does a good job. I only switched to a new project because I wanted it to work exactly to my specifications (mostly the change from conversational to inline keyboards, along with easier authentication and user management), and that wasn't going to be possible without a major rewrite (and the project owner may or may not have supported the changes). Addarr also has a lot of the other features that have been requested here but will most likely not be added, such as listing all movies/series from radarr/sonarr, deleting items, and managing speeds in transmission/sabnzbd.