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Anyone have experience with Visual Studio's github extension? #7

Closed toddw123 closed 7 years ago

toddw123 commented 7 years ago

I was hoping i could just use the visual studio extension to do all my git related shit ( but it seems that might not be the case. Unless im just an idiot. I use git every day for work but i work in linux and use the git command line.

Anyways, trying to get the project files added to gitignore so everyone doesnt keep pushing changes that will screw up everyone elses projects. As it is right now, if i go into the command line and do git status, any changes on my project files dont appear. But inside visual studio, if i look at the github window it shows i have uncommitted changes. So anyone know how to fix that? Might just have to use the git command prompt from here on out if this continues.

Zeroeh commented 7 years ago

There might be multiple git files detecting different changes.

ebf34e12952930cf commented 7 years ago

posted this on the commit but ill post it again i guess

pretty sure you need to empty the cache, try doing this in command line (if you have git)

git add .
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
toddw123 commented 7 years ago

Yeah i did that before my most recent commit. Ill try it again to see if it helps. I was really liking the visual studio extension so i hope it works correctly, but if not im fine using the command prompt for git.

oh but also like i said, the command line version of git is working like it is suppose to. Its the visual studio extension that isnt.

ebf34e12952930cf commented 7 years ago

i tried and it worked for me

edit: do we really want to remove the sln?

toddw123 commented 7 years ago

Yeah just did it again and it seems to have worked

toddw123 commented 7 years ago

Cool everything looks good now, everyone should be able to make changes to their project configs without it fucking everyone elses project configs up (includes/libs/etc).