todogroup / ospology

📖 OSPOlogy - The Study of OSPOs
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Suggestion: Include some "default" / example blueprints in "Recommendations / Scenarios" of Chapter 1 #491

Open webchick opened 3 months ago

webchick commented 3 months ago

There's a part at the end of Chapter 1 that describes recommendations based on real-world scenarios, for example:

An OSPO is established without proper alignment with organizational goals

Recommendation: Align the OSPO with organizational goals by establishing a clear mission, setting measurable objectives, fostering cross-departmental collaboration.

Which... yes, sure, that makes sense, but... HOW? :D


"Here are some starter metrics which other OSPOs have had good results with in demonstrating business impact:

These should be customized to your specific organization."


"Don't miss Chapter X where we talk all about metrics and measuring OSPO impact."

webchick commented 3 months ago

Same deal with Scenarios 2-4:

Scenario #2 An OSPO is seen as a separate silo within the organization

Recommendation: Integrate open source practices into various departments, demonstrating the value that open source brings to achieve shared organizational objectives.

Yepppp... makes sense, but once again, HOW??! :D


"Read this (link)case study(/link) by Mega OSPO Inc on how they've managed to resolve this scenario by fooing their bazzes with bars."