todotxt / todo.txt-cli

☑️ A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[REQUEST] Add-on | filter +projects & @context to be automatically prepended (beginning of line). #172

Open fohrums opened 8 years ago

fohrums commented 8 years ago

Since todo.txt is formatted as 1-line per task, I find it neater to view each task with +projects & @context automatically prepended (respectively) to the beginning of each task's line.


Let's just say I need to jot my ideas down before i can properly categorize them, so (that would look like):

Drop off mail @postoffice
Deposit check @bank
Read up on Chapter 4 +homework
Buy butter, milk, & eggs +bday @store

But if I wasn't worried about how I would like todo.txt to display my tasks, then my suggestion to automatically prepend +projects & @contexts (respectively, with projects stated first) to beginning of line would basically change the above example to make it look like so:

@postoffice Drop off mail
@bank Deposit check
+homework Read up on Chapter 4
+bday @store Buy butter, milk, & eggs


If tasks were added via Android-app, then calling out would somehow automatically make the apprehension happen.... unless of course, the Android-App is capable of this add-on as well.

chrysle commented 1 year ago

Maybe an option could be added for that.

inkarkat commented 1 year ago

This can easily be done via a filter command (TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER); someone should contribute that (similar to add-ons), and only if it becomes popular (unlikely given the lack of supportive comments here), it could be packaged with todo.txt-cli and a commented-out configuration added to the config file template.

chrysle commented 1 year ago

@inkarkat Thanks for the explanation!

BTW, do we have some developer's documentation about environment variables?

chrysle commented 1 year ago

BTW, do we have some developer's documentation about environment variables?


chrysle commented 1 year ago

@inkarkat Sorry for annoying you ;-). But I think a list of all TODOTXT_* vars with usage would really make sense.

inkarkat commented 1 year ago

@chrysle The "official" ones are all listed and documented in the default todo.cfg (at the end, under BEHAVIOR). The script itself has additional (internal, and therefore undocumented and not guaranteed to be stable) variables that influence the behavior, but these are only required for very advanced use cases and complex add-ons.