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Replace the Yahoo Groups mailing list? #8

Closed ginatrapani closed 4 years ago

ginatrapani commented 6 years ago

The community needs a place to reach out for support, announce new Todo.txt projects, report bugs, and ask questions that doesn't require a GitHub login. Is there another mailing list or forum we'd prefer to move to? Yahoo Groups is very old and crusty.

karbassi commented 6 years ago


Would love to produce a list of options before deciding on something.

vorburger commented 6 years ago

Google Groups isn't all that bad ;-)

Dunno if Discourse has old style mailing list "subscribe" type usage? I think that's key.

Oh an is pretty neat - maybe that's actually even enough, for now?

karbassi commented 4 years ago

Since Yahoo Groups is dead and the website url has been updated to use gitter, I'm marking this fixed for now.