toeb / cmakepp

An Enhancement Suite for the CMake Build System
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cross-platform and toolchains / external programs / advanced examples #130

Open roscopecoltran opened 7 years ago

roscopecoltran commented 7 years ago

Hi @toeb ,

Hope you are all well !

I was wondering how CMake++ could help me to manage different types of external project schemes and to cache some cross-platform build with a project version + toolchain tag.



  1. I prefer YAML formats as more human readable and more easy to connect with some other scripts (often Golang based for my part) but I could not make fully work the yaml function from the test function. Is it something that you intend to implement soon ? It would work perfectly with FIPS ^^ ?

  2. Would it be possible to have an example with CMake++ building an OpenCV project and some dependencies like Caffe for mobile without conflicting with the server version Caffe or tensorflow or tiny-dnn with your recent additions on package functions (link ? (more precisely I cannot get if it could manage some kind of build/install cache strategy like hunter per toolchains and prevent duplicate builds of dependencies like Protobuf for example but still be able to set custom args per platfroms ^^)

  3. Would it be possible to see such project build example with a cross-platform approach using toolchains from either Polly or FIPS with CMake++ ?

  4. Is it possible to create executable wrappers from a list of vcs uris and install their pre-requisiste ? (eg. install and wrap CppSharp requires a wrap around premake5, mono, xbuild and nuget in order to wrap CppSharp-Cli ? (eg link) (btw, I am working with an Apple laptop)

Thanks for this awesome project Tobias ! Have an awesome week !

Cheers, Richard