When I visit (I know my local storage in browser has my question, so you can't follow my links, I just give them for reference of the path I'm on) the &sols=y should cause the solutions to render on the page even before I press The Print button
Step 1: Fill out the Polybius Table
Given the Polybius Key ULTRASONIC, we can fill out the first 10 spaces of the polybius table, with each unique letter taking up a space. (Skip any duplicate letters)
Note: Treat the letters I and J as one single letter I/J
Expected: When I visit (I know my local storage in browser has my question, so you can't follow my links, I just give them for reference of the path I'm on) the &sols=y should cause the solutions to render on the page even before I press The Print button https://toebes.com/codebusters/TestAnswers.html?test=0&sols=y
Actual: https://toebes.com/codebusters/TestAnswers.html?test=0&sols=y and https://toebes.com/codebusters/TestAnswers.html?test=0 show the exact same generated content that excludes the solutions.
When I go to edit my Nihilist Substitution Encoder question on https://toebes.com/codebusters/NihilistSubstitutionEncrypt.html?cipherType=nihilistsub&editEntry=19 if I scroll down I see the following section. I expect it to also print when on the Answers and Solutions page