togfoxy / MarsLander

A re-creation of the 1979 Atari classic Lunar Lander with some new game play.
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link

New game setting: enforce hard 'top' border. See comments #238

Open togfoxy opened 2 years ago

togfoxy commented 2 years ago

Some ppl might enjoy NOT being able to fly off the top of the screen. Enforcing a hard top border means players need to control their altitude and not fly at 45 degrees until no fuel.

Need to decide behavior when hitting border. Lander can slide along top but slower (friction) or simply stop.

Both options waste fuel and change game play.

MadByteDE commented 2 years ago

I'd say if the lander reaches the top it should bounce off of it a bit - might look pretty neat.

As for capping at the top of the screen: I'd suggest adding a camera system be able to zoom out a bit based on the y of the highest lander. That would allow us to set the upper border dynamically.

instead of just having if lander.y < 0 then lander.y = 0, we could do something like

Local topBorder = -250
If lander.y <= topBorder then

And the camera would adjust to the topBorder dynamically by zooming in and out if needed.

With a camera we also would get rid of WORLD_OFFSET by following the player with the camera instead of moving all objects.

Philbywhizz commented 2 years ago

What about the concept of 'lost in space' - if you fly off the top you get a warning, and if you keep going (like -250 or some other value) then you end up in 'orbit' and you fail - game over.

The game is MarsLander after all, not MarsTakeoff :)

togfoxy commented 2 years ago

Some great ideas. :)