Closed cherusk closed 7 years ago
Okay, the review comments got a bit mangled (I really do not like the github interface for this :/). But the top comment was supposed to be for the "introduce globbing to raw_keys" commit, and the comments on specific code lines were meant to go together...
On 05/10/2017 04:10 PM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
@tohojo commented on this pull request.
NAK on this whole commit. Introducing another level of globbing is not the right way to do this;
Well, it's quite flexible, especially for the surveillance case at hand:
Could filter on flow plots by extending the suffix, that was part of the rational.
E.g.: Instead of ... [...] 'series': [ { 'data': glob("sock_stats::**"), 'label': 'TCP window size',
'raw_key' : glob("**::tcp_cwnd")
[...] 'series': [ { 'data': glob("sock_stats::**"), 'label': 'TCP window size',
'raw_key' : glob("*#433*::tcp_cwnd")
Selecting all those dest-pt flows for plotting and so forth.
instead, create separate series that each have one set of raw_values.
Hmmm, but that is the end what the globbing mechanism is doing, as I understood it's working. What's cleaner about it by doing it seperately?
In flent/
@@ -1006,6 +1006,13 @@ class SsRunner(ProcessRunner): time_re = re.compile(r"^Time: (?P
\d+.\d+)", re.MULTILINE) cwnd_re = re.compile(r"cwnd:(?P \d+)", re.MULTILINE) rtt_re = re.compile(r"rtt:(?P \d+.\d+/\d+.\d+)", re.MULTILINE) +
- bbr_re_str = "bbr:(bw:(?P
\d+.\d+)(?P .bps),"\ - "mrtt:(?P
\d+.\d+),"\ - "pacing_gain:(?P
\d+.\d+),"\ - "cwnd_gain:(?P
\d+))" You are repeating these keys in three different places in the code. Use match.groupdict() instead to just pull them out of the regex match...
ACK, that's opening a maintenace hell. Will rectifiy!
-- Besten Gruß
Matthias Tafelmeier
On 05/10/2017 04:27 PM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
@tohojo requested changes on this pull request.
Some more detailed comments (apart from the other one on raw_key globbing)...
In flent/scripts/
usage() {
- echo "$0 -c count -I interval -H host -t target"
- echo "$0 -c count -I interval -H host -t target -f filter"
Hmm, instead of adding yet another arg here, maybe just get rid of -t and move the "dst $TARGET" into the Python code as part of the filter?
In flent/
- timestamp =
- def post_filter_pred(self, sub_parts):
- if self.ext_run:
- pass
- else:
- if 1 != len(sub_parts):
- raise ParseException()
- def form_sub_raw_vals(self, cwnd, rtt, rtt_var, bbr, flow_spec):
- bbr_keys = ['bbr_bw', 'bbr_mrtt', 'bbr_pacing_gain', 'bbr_cwnd_gain']
- if self.ext_run:
- sub_raw_val = {}
- for k, val in zip(['cwnd', 'rtt', 'rtt_var'], [cwnd, rtt, rtt_var]):
You can probably get rid of the repetition here in a similar way (named groups in regexes + groupdict())
Fully agree.
In flent/tests/
+if PIDS:
- for pid in PIDS.split(","):
- DATA_SETS['sock_stats::%s' % pid] = {'command': find_ss_iterate(IP_VERSION, HOST, STEP_SIZE, TOTAL_LENGTH),
- 'units': 'misc',
- 'runner': 'ss',}
+PLOTS['tcp_cwnd'] = {'description': 'TCP window statistics',
- 'type': 'timeseries',
- 'axis_labels': ['Packets'],
- 'series': [
- {
- 'data': glob("sock_stats::**"),
- 'label': 'TCP window size',
- 'raw_key' : glob("**::tcp_cwnd")
- },
- ]}
It would be good if we could re-use the plot definitions in - may need a bit of restructuring, though...
See what you mean, but for me it's clearly a separate test, so I could live with growing something divorced.
-- Besten Gruß
Matthias Tafelmeier
This has become stale. Is there any way forward or has it went unfathomable?
You should be able to rebase. There's still an issue with how to store and display the data per pid. I think the solution is to create a multi-level dictionary (i.e. raw_values[pid]['tcp_rtt'] will have the RTT val). This is how the wifi stats data is stored. Still haven't gotten around to implementing support for plotting that in raw_values, but I'll have to do that anyway for the wifi stats...
On 06/20/2017 12:01 PM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen wrote:
You should be able to rebase.
Theoretically ... this has diverged too wild by now.
-- BR
Matthias Tafelmeier
Repeat> Ok, works fairly enough. A minor one, did not find where the generic label is altered, so for every flow that one is depicted. ^^