tohojo / flent

The FLExible Network Tester.
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save a note (arbitrarily add metadata) #93

Open dtaht opened 7 years ago

dtaht commented 7 years ago

I am perpetually looking at a plot, and saying AHA! the weird thing about that one is that the route changed in the middle of that, I should write that down in case I look at this again.

So it would be cool to be able to add metadata on the fly. And also incorporate that metadata in the .svg output.

Example - here I turned off the usb0 interface on a chip in the middle of a test run because I realized that late, that the usb interface was still up.


Similarly - File->delete would make it easier to toss out bad results while browsing them.

tohojo commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I am a bit vary of making it possible to overwrite data files. Easy to mess it up and ruin people's data...

That said, you're right it would be useful. I'll think about a good way to do this.