tohsakrat / fancybox-plus

An extension of flarum, modified from drake/fancybox. Except fancybox from flamoji, spoiler. And using lazy load to prevent loading too much pics once.An extension of flarum, modified from drake/fancybox. Except fancybox from flamoji, spoiler. And using lazy load to prevent loading too much pics once.
MIT License
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与 FoF Formatting 插件不再兼容 #2

Closed acolasialiuliu closed 11 months ago

acolasialiuliu commented 11 months ago

图片 一个整理格式的插件,紧挨着的图可以一起排列,上个版本还能行来着哈哈哈哈

acolasialiuliu commented 11 months ago

图片 xian在我开启了原先的灯箱,欢迎随时查看

tohsakrat commented 11 months ago

虽然但是我的插件是fancybox-plus,绿色的那个才是我的 你打开的是原版fancybox

acolasialiuliu commented 11 months ago


acolasialiuliu commented 11 months ago


tohsakrat commented 11 months ago

你这个箱子也不是fof formatting的效果吧,像是Post Galleries 你只是需要纯样式,与其用插件,不如直接用css写。 粘贴到后台-外观-自定义css,然后提交就可以 上面的4是图片的高度,下面的0.5是图片之间的距离,根据需要改

a[data-fancybox]>img { max-height: 4em!important; }

.Post-body a[data-fancybox] { display: inline-block!important; margin-left: 0.5em!important; }


acolasialiuliu commented 11 months ago

牛,具体我不清楚,上面那张图就是之前版本和fof formatting的效果,刚玩这个,就在社区找来找去哈哈哈,感谢