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A finally body should not be allowed to return #376

Open floitsch opened 2 years ago

floitsch commented 2 years ago

A finally block should not be allowed to eat exceptions. That means that it shouldn't be allowed to return, break, or continue.

lask commented 2 years ago

Note that we do exploit this in the kernel in

lask commented 2 years ago

I just did a quick survey to see how extensively this feature is used, and it is a lot less than I recall. In we exploit this to implement catch: and we use it in a couple of other places:

In we only use it in a test:

dumblob commented 1 year ago

I can not access the linked repositories to see how the VM (and especially the kernel!) is actually implemented.

Any insights?

floitsch commented 1 year ago

@dumblob for the VM and its implementation have a look here:

The toitware reference just links to a test that changes an exception in a finally to a return. That code is now deprecated. All the interesting code has been moved to the toitlang repository.

Here is the code:

test_pubsub_close_listen_ sub/pubsub.TemporarySubscription started/monitor.Latch closed/monitor.Latch -> int:
  received := 0
  started.set null
    sub.listen: | msg/pubsub.Message |
  finally: | is_exception exception |
    expect is_exception
    expect_equals pubsub.ERR_SUBSCRIPTION_CLOSED exception.value
    closed.set null
    return received