tokahuke / yaque

Yaque is yet another disk-backed persistent queue for Rust.
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Behaviour of `commit` not clear - does commiting also clear the data in the queue? #36

Open barafael opened 3 months ago

barafael commented 3 months ago

In this example, we just send and receive to a yaque. After receiving, we commit on the RecvGuard.

Is it intentional that on the next start of the program, the yaque still contains all the previously recvd data?

Running this example twice prints the bytes from the first run during the second run even though they were committed in the first run.

use std::time::Duration;
use yaque::recovery::recover;

async fn main() {

    let (mut sender, mut receiver) = yaque::channel("persistent-data").unwrap();

    let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(1));
    let mut counter = 0u64;
    loop {
        tokio::select! {
            _tick = interval.tick() => {
                println!("Enqueuing {counter}");
                let Ok(_) = sender.send(format!("Message {counter}")).await else {
                counter += 1;
            guard = receiver.recv() => {
                println!("Got batch");
                let Ok(contents) = guard else {
                    println!("Breaking because guard not OK");
                // println!("{}", String::from_utf8((&mut *contents).drain(..).flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>()).unwrap());
                println!("{:?}", String::from_utf8(contents.to_vec()));