tokamak-network / ton-staking-tally-contract

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Develop the 1st scenario about the tokamak tally #4

Closed Zena-park closed 1 week ago

Zena-park commented 1 month ago

scenario 1. (1) A Voting Rights Mint (200 tokens), B Voting Rights Mint (800 tokens) (2) Vote: A for, B against (3) Additional A voting rights (800 tokens) created during the voting period
(4) Voting result after the voting period ends?

Zena-park commented 1 month ago

npx hardhat test test/z.1.scenario.ts

Zena-park commented 1 month ago

@suahnkim @praveen263112 Note 1. Please check the vote token mint gas fee. vote token mint Gas costs are not cheap. Note 2. The delegate and vote token mint transactions have been separated, but it is necessary to review whether a function that can be done at once should be provided.