tokee / juxta

Generates large collages of images using OpenSeadragon
Apache License 2.0
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Remove vertical spaces between images #38

Closed PARobert closed 7 years ago

PARobert commented 7 years ago

The option MARGIN controls spaces left between two images horizontally. Is it any option to control spaces between two images vertically ?

tokee commented 7 years ago

MARGINcontrols both horizontal and vertical. It is also cumulative, so a margin of 10 means 20 pixels between images. In retrospect, this might not have been the best decision.

Anyway, it was easy to add separate margins for horizontal and vertical, so if you want a bit of margin on the x-axis and want your images to touch each other vertically, you can now do MARGIN_H=10 MARGIN_V=0. Or at least: You should be able to. There seems to be a bug that makes it impossible to get a 0-size margin. I'll look into that in issue #39.

Correction 2017-03-13: The arguments are MARGIN_W and MARGIN_H. And they work just fine.

tokee commented 7 years ago

I was mistaken about 0 margin not working. See issue #39 for details.