tokenika / eosfactory

Python-based EOS smart-contract development & testing framework
243 stars 62 forks source link

Unable to install on master #152

Closed ryanleecode closed 5 years ago

ryanleecode commented 5 years ago

Trying to install the latest master branch on Linux, having issues, see below.

#   This script installs EOSFactory. It needs to be executed from within
#   the 'eosfactory' folder.
#   This file was downloaded from

Installing 'eosfactory' package locally with the Python pip system...
Obtaining file:///home/drd/Documents/Repositories/eosfactory
Requirement already satisfied: termcolor in /home/drd/.local/share/virtualenvs/eosfactory-BN50FZnk/lib/python3.7/site-packages (from eosfactory-tokenika==3.0.3) (1.1.0)
Installing collected packages: eosfactory-tokenika
  Found existing installation: eosfactory-tokenika 3.0.3
    Uninstalling eosfactory-tokenika-3.0.3:
      Successfully uninstalled eosfactory-tokenika-3.0.3
  Running develop for eosfactory-tokenika
Successfully installed eosfactory-tokenika

Configuring the eosfactory installation...

ERROR /home/drd/Documents/Repositories/eosfactory/eosfactory/core/ 90:
Cannot determine the directory of application data. Tried:
Cannot determine the version of the installed 'eosio' package.
The error message:
ERROR /home/drd/Documents/Repositories/eosfactory/eosfactory/core/ 90:
Cannot determine the directory of application data. Tried:

Cannot determine the version of the installed 'eosio.cpp' package.
The error message:
ERROR /home/drd/Documents/Repositories/eosfactory/eosfactory/core/ 90:
Cannot determine the directory of application data. Tried:

         ______ ____   _____  ______      _____ _______ ____  _______     __
        |  ____/ __ \ / ____||  ____/\   / ____|__   __/ __ \|  __ \ \   / /
        | |__ | |  | | (___  | |__ /  \ | |       | | | |  | | |__) \ \_/ /
        |  __|| |  | |\___ \ |  __/ /\ \| |       | | | |  | |  _  / \   /
        | |___| |__| |____) || | / ____ \ |____   | | | |__| | | \ \  | |
        |______\____/|_____/ |_|/_/    \_\_____|  |_|  \____/|_|  \_\ |_|

To verify EOSFactory installation navigate to the 'eosfactory' folder and run
these tests:

    $ python3 tests/
    $ python3 tests/
    $ python3 tests/
stefanzarembinski commented 5 years ago

It is the same strange condition as reported in the issue #148 I am fighting it for weeks now.

Will you, please, replace the function definition 'def get_app_data_dir()` in the file 'eosfactory/core/' with the following version involving debugging information:

def get_app_data_dir():
    if APP_DATA_DIR_SUDO[1] in __file__:
        app_data_dir = APP_DATA_DIR_SUDO[0]
    elif  APP_DATA_DIR_USER[1] in __file__:
        app_data_dir = APP_DATA_DIR_USER[0]
        app_data_dir = eosf_dir() + "/"

    if app_data_dir and os.path.exists(app_data_dir):
        return app_data_dir

    msg = '''
    __file__: {}
    APP_DATA_DIR_SUDO[0]: {}
    APP_DATA_DIR_SUDO[1]: {}
    APP_DATA_DIR_USER[0]: {}
    APP_DATA_DIR_USER[1]: {}
    eosf_dir(): {}
            APP_DATA_DIR_SUDO[0], APP_DATA_DIR_SUDO[1], 
            APP_DATA_DIR_USER[0], APP_DATA_DIR_USER[1], 

    raise errors.Error( msg + '''
    Cannot determine the directory of application data. Tried:
    The chosen path is
    but it does not exist, seemingly.
            APP_DATA_DIR_SUDO[0], APP_DATA_DIR_USER[0], eosf_dir() + "/",

Run python3 -m eosfactory.config.

stefanzarembinski commented 5 years ago

The new edition v.3.1.0 fixes the issue, hopefully.