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Privacy Pages #21

Open OurMAVEN opened 2 years ago

OurMAVEN commented 2 years ago

MAVEN is looking to have private pages to mint and list Mortgages, mortgage payments, Financials etc.

Currently when something on MAVEN is minted and then listed or transferred it can be seen/searched by anyone.

With the business in Real Estate and financials etc. Patrick would like those documents non searchable and not showing in Collections. (Actually, MAVEN does not need 'Collections' as it is not an Art Gallery but an online shopping centre. I am not sure if this is a separate issue or a part of the same.)

After speaking with Adam, he said he would be able to create a privacy page and once it is working it would be easy to replicate, by adding a button when minting/listing. This would be the same cost as the PDF capability.

Adam, Please confirm we are on the same page and that I have this correct.