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Determine the future of tokio-proto #118

Closed carllerche closed 5 years ago

carllerche commented 6 years ago

The tokio-proto crate was part of the initial release of Tokio. At that point, Tokio was focused on providing a higher level request / response based API and the I/O reactor was an implementation detail.

Today, focus has shifted and Tokio is now primarily a non-blocking I/O library and the request / response aspect is being shifted to Tower (which has not yet been released).

One problem that tokio-proto faces was that it was trying to be a one size fits all solution to binding Service to a socket. It tries to provide many capabilities at the cost of significant complexity. Even with all these features, libraries like h2 have opted to not use it.

That said, the idea of tokio-proto still has value in providing an easy way to bind a socket to a service. Ideally, the next iteration of tokio-proto would be significantly simplified to assist with getting something working fast with the assumption that, if advanced features are required, one would not use the library.

Now, resources to maintain development of tokio-proto are currently limited. So, I would ask the community there is any interest in a simplified tokio-proto and if there are any volunteers willing to take on some of the burden in developing & maintaining the crate.

flosse commented 6 years ago

So, I would ask the community there is any interest in a simplified tokio-proto

yes :) I already asked for some clarification:

and if there are any volunteers willing to take on some of the burden in developing & maintaining the crate.

I won't be able to spend much time but I could give some feedback as a library developer.

djc commented 6 years ago

Although I tried very hard to use tokio-proto for tokio-imap, it didn't work out. I now believe tokio-proto's main value is probably in optimizing simple request/response flows, but I feel that it probably makes more sense focusing on tokio, tokio-io and other parts of the futures stack for now.

flosse commented 6 years ago

@djc Thanks for the insights. This leads to my thoughts to totally deprecate tokio-proto. It might be better to avoid it completely than to use a non-maintained unfinished crate.

inejge commented 6 years ago

[It's been suggested on Gitter that I open an issue similar to this one; I saw the one mentioned by @flosse and intended to respond there, but this is an even better place.]

I concur with @flosse that an heir to tokio-proto should exist. I've used tokio-proto pretty extensively, choosing to work around its limitations instead of replacing it with custom code, and IME it worked rather well. The chief pain points I've noted were, in no particular order:

That may sound quite critical, but I'll reiterate that my overall experience with the crate was quite good. I especially liked the ease of slotting in a completely separate type of transport (Unix domain sockets) in a client when the need arose, as well as the fairly modest set of changes required for implementing things like StartTLS, after some type wrestling.

I think that the division of protocols into pipelined and multiplexed is sound and essential, but that streaming variants are adding more complexity than necessary, and that the crate would be majorly simplified by ditching them. Furthermore, client and server roles could be separated into their own crates, leaving the users a much clearer choice and a lower cognitive burden.

I intend to analyze tokio-proto's reverse dependencies too see how disruptive the jettisoning of streaming would prove, fork the codebase to implement the simplifications outlined above, and try to provide some enhancements, like accomodating almost-request/response protocols, where some messages are unidirectional while the majority are not. The pace of activity is not something I can make promises about, but I hope that my work during the year can lead to simplified and revamped tokio-proto which will be useful to existing and new Tokio users.

carllerche commented 6 years ago

@inejge Great to hear.

I do think that a simplified tokio-proto has value. The primary issue is that this is pretty close to a rewrite and my time is currently pretty limited.

If you have availability to take on the work, I can provide guidance.

flosse commented 6 years ago

It's interesting: there are 46 crates that depend on tokio-proto but there are only 4 developers who are concerned about the future of this crate. I wonder if it makes sense to invite the other authors to this discussion? What do you think?

tikue commented 6 years ago

I've used tokio-proto because it's the fastest way to get off the ground, and I trusted @carllerche to write a better and more performant server implementation than I would with the time I have. If it didn't exist, I'd probably just settle for a simpler, less performant server implementation.

RadicalZephyr commented 6 years ago

I'm in the process of starting a project that is using tokio to implement a simple line based protocol over serial lines, and using tokio-proto has really saved me a lot of time in structuring the code in a request/response model. So I'm very interested to see it continue in some form, and a simplified verion as described by @inejge sounds pretty ideal to me.

I would be happy to help with that effort, though I can't commit a ton of time to it.

carllerche commented 6 years ago

Ok, I will try to put together a more organized group to attempt to take over -proto.

rustonaut commented 6 years ago

TL;DR: take tokio-proto split it into a non-tokio specific service crate and a crate for impl protocols and focus this on tools helping you implement on aspects each instead of providing a frameworkish interface like tokio-proto currently does.

My experience with tokio-proto was:

*this is my subjective experience when playing around with tokio and e.g. implementing smtp

I cam to the believe that instead of having tokio-proto it might be better to have two independent thinks:

  1. a library focusing on making it easier to wite your own service instead of trying to have a "fit all" abstraction of services. (Through then having some form of interface for middle ware is nice to). This should not be bound to tokio at all but a library for users of futures, which might happen to be for tokio.
  2. a library providing tools for making it easier to implement protocols for tokio, no framework or abstract protocols just tools. This can e.g. include some tool for reading from a socket into a buffer until a full input part was read (e.g. an line) handling thinks like growing the buffer but also e.g. maximal input buffer size.
flosse commented 6 years ago

@dathinab I like your thoughts :)

It would be really helpful for me to see some examples to learn from. Maybe we could just collect experiences from library authors with some descriptions how they solved their problems or how they migrated form tokio-proto to a custom implementation.

rustonaut commented 6 years ago

you can take a look at new-tokio-smtp

Through it is might not be the best example here. (It's not published as I'm still in correspondence with the tokio-smtp crate owner hoping to publish it as tokio-smtp).

Some aspects of it:

  1. two "different API's" one for using the protocol (through the Connection type) and one for extending it i.e. defining other SMTP commands which either are currently not provided or which alternate versions of provided ones which do more deeply integrate with a library building on top of it. (This api view is exposed through the Io type)
  2. focused on "just" SMTP i.e. not on connection handling, encoding mails or more advanced error handling. Through with the send_mail feature there is a thin slightly higher level abstraction layer available, and the opening of connections is handled including integration possibilities for authentication. The reason for this is that there are just to many ways how to handle connection failure and retry just for the tcp/tls connections and even more so if you include thinks like mail servers being temporary unavailable or temporary rejecting new mails, which has to be handle for reliable mail delivery.
  3. to handle back-pressure / represent that only one smtp session can be used over one connection the api is designed so that sending a smtp command (or a aggregation of such) does consume the connection returning it with the returned future once it resolves.
    • this allows any kind of more higher level abstraction to be placed on top of it with a bit of binding code, including something like the tokio service trait.
    • theoretically a &mut would do, too. But borrows don't play so nice with futures, at last until co-routines/async with self-borrows lands.
    • in my experience this is a reliable way to represent any non multiplexing connection (or other resources which get completely blocked when in use)
    • through I noticed that writing wrappers for such a type for a interface which hides this details tend to be a bit more code then I would like. Mainly you roll a state enum representing either of NoConnection, ConnectionInUse(impl Future), OpeningConnection(impl Future), ClosingConnection(impl Future) and a buffer.
  4. I differentiate between two error kinds
    1. logic errrors where the server response to an smtp request with an error code
      • if it resolves to this error the connection is still returned like mentioned above
    2. connection errors where an I/O-Error happened e.g. because the socket broke.
      • in this case the connection became unusable and is not returned as it's already "dead"

Tools I would like to have had:

  1. a tool for writing everything from an input buffer (contained into a object I don't want to destruct) to an socket and flushing it once everything is written. (This is a simple but repeatably done task, also it might need a bit of consideration about thinks like error handling and if you still can write to the input buffer while async writing to the socket, which in some cases is desirable and in others isn't)
  2. a tool to read from a socket, scanning for a full "input unit" (e.g. a line, msgpack object etc.) pop-ing it from the input buffer, piping it e.g. to some parsing functionality and repeat until it is a) stoped or b) the socket is closed
    • With pop-ing I mean taking advantage of BytesMut splitting of the beginning of the buffer without a copy normally.
    • This needs some special considerations for the buffer object's memory management (not really done in new-tokio-smtp for now)
    • This also needs to handle maximal input buffer size and how to handle it being full. (also currently not handled by new-tokio-smtp)
  3. some general, non-tokio specific service library, allowing crate consumers to easily bind in new-tokio-smtp and handling thinks like connection retrying based on e.g. an configurable retry strategy (maybe with a bid of glue code pre-provided by the smtp crate for convenience).
tjkirch commented 6 years ago

It looks like the new tokio-codec might be the base for a tokio-proto replacement?

jocutajar commented 6 years ago

I did start my project with tokio-proto, but since I swapped it out for new tokio without proto, life got more joyful again in Samotop.

tikue commented 6 years ago

I'm in the process of moving tarpc off of tokio-proto. In lieu of tokio-proto, I wrote a simplified, non-streaming, request-response framework. It all makes use of unstable nightly futures and async/await, so it's not really a stable replacement for tokio-proto. But if it sounds like something that interests any of you, take a look here (I probably won't merge it for a while, as it will break all current tarpc users):

carllerche commented 5 years ago

The future of tokio-proto is tokio–tower, which is being championed by @jonhoo: