Closed luyikk closed 3 years ago
With the drop(tx)
call commented out, running forever is the behavior I would expect. If you remove the comments, it will complete:
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
pub async fn test2(){
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1024);
let move_tx=tx.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
assert_eq!(Some(1), rx.recv().await);
assert_eq!(Some(2), rx.recv().await);
assert_eq!(None, rx.recv().await);
With the
call commented out, running forever is the behavior I would expect. If you remove the comments, it will complete:use tokio::sync::mpsc; #[tokio::test] pub async fn test2(){ let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(1024); let move_tx=tx.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { move_tx.send(1).await.unwrap(); move_tx.send(2).await.unwrap(); }); drop(tx); assert_eq!(Some(1), rx.recv().await); assert_eq!(Some(2), rx.recv().await); assert_eq!(None, rx.recv().await); }
This code drop(tx) can be completed, but it's strange that I can't complete the following code:
let (tx, mut rx) = unbounded_channel();
for (index, udp_sock) in self.udp_contexts.iter().enumerate() {
let recv_sock = udp_sock.recv.borrow_mut().take();
if let Some(recv_sock) = recv_sock {
let move_data_tx = tx.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut buff = [0; BUFF_MAX_SIZE];
loop {
let res =
recv_sock.recv_from(&mut buff).await;
if let Ok((size, addr)) = res {
if let Err(er) = move_data_tx.send((index, addr, buff[..size].to_vec())) {
} else if let Err(er) = res {
drop(tx); \\drop tx
while let Some((index, addr, data)) = rx.recv().await {
never receive any message in test:
while let Some((index, addr, data)) = rx.recv().await {
tokio 0.2 version It works. I tried to upgrade tokio 1.0 and found this problem.
When I upgraded from Tokio 0.2 to Tokio 1.0, I found that there were many problems with my UDP server, and it began to stop working, especially MPSC, unbounded_ When the data volume of channel is small, it will stop when it becomes large. I repeatedly switch between Tokio 0.2 and Tokio 1.0 to verify this problem @Darksonn
Can you please try changing this:
to make it call UdpSocket::set_nonblocking
fn create_async_udp_socket<A: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: &A) -> Result<UdpSocket, Box<dyn Error>> {
let std_sock = Self::create_udp_socket(&addr)?;
let sock = UdpSocket::try_from(std_sock)?;
The std to Tokio socket conversion methods were changed going from 0.2 to 1.x to require you to manually set the socket to nonblocking mode.
Thank you very much.
Version List the versions of all
crates you are using. The easiest way to get this information is usingcargo tree
subcommand:cargo tree | grep tokio
Platform The output of
uname -a
(UNIX), or version and 32 or 64-bit (Windows)64-bit (Windows)
Description Enter your issue details here. One way to structure the description: output:
test test2 ... test test2 has been running for over 60 seconds
[short summary of the bug]
I tried this code: