tokuhirom / Minilla

Authorizing tool for CPAN modules
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allow setting `homepage` and `bugtracker` in minil.toml #247

Open icklekitten opened 6 years ago

icklekitten commented 6 years ago

Minilla assumes I want to use github as bug tracker and homepage in META.json.

I don't.

Maybe there is already an option for this, but I cannot find it in documentation or source code.

skaji commented 6 years ago

patches welcome.

icklekitten commented 6 years ago

Should be pretty easy for me to write patch.

Forked project and installed dependencies but a lot of the test cases fail. Mostly it's this error:

You need to set in git config.

But I did set in git config already.

icklekitten commented 6 years ago

Oh, works if I use --global for config.