tokusumi / fastapi-cloudauth

Simple integration between FastAPI and cloud authentication services (AWS Cognito, Auth0, Firebase Authentication).
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Cannot access `/users/` using the AWS Cognito configuration #53

Closed IshakAhmed closed 2 years ago

IshakAhmed commented 2 years ago

Using the authorization modal (in the docs) ...

What am I missing?

ninjix commented 2 years ago

I am running into the same error condition. Any luck on figuring this out?

ninjix commented 2 years ago

I got it working for the standard Access Token by modifying the token_use parameter of the CognitoCurrentUser class to use the access value and I changed the CognitoClaims class username field.

All the validation exception catching made for some hours of debugging to figure out what was going on. Now /user/ works from the Swagger docs page when you use the Authorization button with a access_token.

Substituting the module classes with my own to make the docs example work.

class MyCognitoClaims(BaseModel):
    username: str = Field(alias="username")
    email: str = Field(None, alias="email")

class MyCognitoCurrentUser(UserInfoAuth):
    Verify ID token and get user info of AWS Cognito

    user_info = MyCognitoClaims

    def __init__(
            self, region: str, userPoolId: str, client_id: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any,
        url = f"https://cognito-idp.{region}{userPoolId}/.well-known/jwks.json"
        jwks = JWKS.fromurl(url)