toland / qlmarkdown

QuickLook generator for Markdown files.
3.24k stars 141 forks source link

This project has been abandoned: Discussion #102

Open setanarut opened 3 years ago

setanarut commented 3 years ago

This project has been abandoned, there are some alternatives like Glance and iPreview, but they don't provide only Markdown, they are all in one plugins and they don't allow customization.

My new Quicklook Markdown plugin ideas (features);

If you agree, click the like button.

I guess @sbarex can do that.

Edit - 2021


Thanks to @sbarex for new QLMarkdown

relikd commented 3 years ago

hehe, the QL community seems pretty if the same names keep popping up 😄 Hello dear @sbarex (assuming you will show up here eventually) and @hazarek, I think this is the third or fourth QL plugin we meet. Anyway, I am in favor of all the mentioned points.

I'd like to add

Let me clarify that, QLColorCode required highlight to be installed. That is the reason I never used the plugin and instead prefered QLStephen. That said, QLMarkdown does use a 3rd party parser (discount) but it is packaged together with the bundle. (EDIT: which I am ok with. Of course my point is not a requirement, just a would be very nice if)

Sure, if @sbarex wants to maintain it. Else, I think it would also fit for apps like to include it.

setanarut commented 3 years ago

@relikd Why do we need a macdown? Vscode/Vscodium can view and edit Markdown files.

relikd commented 3 years ago

Because I am using Sublime Text instead ;) which has terrible markdown support – at least regarding the live rendering. And loading a full-featured IDE (be it VScode or Xcode) to view md files seems an overkill for me.

setanarut commented 3 years ago

I switched from Sublime Text to VScodium, I am very glad. Vscode is not slow as before. Also extensions are very good.

these are very successful.

sbarex commented 3 years ago

Hello to all. I'm not a swift or objc programmer. I do it for passion. Over time the development of ql generators has lost interest and when catalina deprecated the qlgenerator api many software did not update to the new api.

The ql generator that I always used is qlcolorcode. For this, for pleasure, I tried to migrate it to the new api, taking advantage of the opportunity to learn new things that may not strictly necessary. Thus was born my first public repository. I am very pleased to see that it is used by others as well, although keeping up with the various bugs encountered on different systems is not always easy. My other repositories, such as an archive generator, I haven't released publicly, at least for now.

I believe that it is not very difficult to bring this project to the new api, and update the library to use the gfm rendering...

chrismessina commented 3 years ago

FYI, I found these two solutions that might be of some interest...

There's Glance, which is now abandoned but open source:

There's also iPreview, which is a paid app but covers a ton of formats:

sbarex commented 3 years ago

I was starting to study a new implementation of this generator but I temporarily stopped due to a series of bugs on BigSur found in my other quicklook extensions project. The first and most serious is the WKWebView not working (but works the deprecated WebView). The second concerns the scroll bars (clicking on them causes the window to drag and not the content to scroll). This problem occours also with Glance. Have you also had the opportunity to see the glance on big sur not working? Or is it a problem with my system?

chrismessina commented 3 years ago

This problem occurs also with Glance. Have you also had the opportunity to see the glance on big sur not working? Or is it a problem with my system?

Glance doesn't work at all on Big Sur. I was hoping maybe the source code could be used as reference to update/expand this QuickLook plugin... but yeah, Big Sur really did a number of these APIs.

sbarex commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, this is a bug that only Apple can fix (or give instructions on how to get around it). Unfortunately, the quicklook framework is poorly documented, especially for macos. And by now also little used (just search on github to realize how few are the repositories that use it). I've written a couple of feedbacks to Apple but I doubt he'll ever get back to me. I don't know if the problem has been solved in the 11.1 beta 2 release...

relikd commented 3 years ago

Thats why I call it Bug Sur ;) … you can try if the old API is working ( Unfortunatelly (or luckily) I can't update to Bug Sur to test myself. I assume the chances are higher that older APIs still work (unless they have removed it completely). Would be nice if you could try 😃

sbarex commented 3 years ago

Thanks! This repository uses the old quicklook generator api, deprecated on 10.15. If I have to start a new project, however, I prefer to invest time learning the new api rather than using the old ones that sooner or later will cease to be available.

setanarut commented 3 years ago

If you need, i can test it on Big sur. Also QLAddict works on Catalina but not on Big Sur.

sbarex commented 3 years ago

thanks, but the repositories that use the old quicklook generator api potentially have completely different problems than those that use the new framework. I just hope that the next version of big sur fixes these bugs

sbarex commented 3 years ago

I'm starting to work on a markdown quicklook plugin, using cmark-gfm, plus support for source code highlighting, emojis and more. Obviously the most time-consuming part is the creation of the interface for the customization... just wait 😃

setanarut commented 3 years ago

I'm starting to work on a markdown quicklook plugin, using cmark-gfm, plus support for source code highlighting, emojis and more. Obviously the most time-consuming part is the creation of the interface for the customization... just wait 😃

Hooray, no need to rush. I'm sure it will work.

relikd commented 3 years ago

@sbarex Let me know if you need help. I can test on a non-M1 macOS 10.15.7 maschine. Also, you could make the initial release non-customizable with a plist config or something alike ;)

setanarut commented 3 years ago

@sbarex No GUI needed for customization. You can centralize all settings with a configuration file (JSON)

relikd commented 3 years ago

@hazarek I do think it requires a GUI anyway for the new API to work. The quicklook extension has to be coupled in an actual application. So saying you don't need GUI is only helping in the fact that it does not have to be pretty for the first version.

setanarut commented 3 years ago

@sbarex When you create a repository, we can use the new discussion feature. I can make the design part of plugin (icons, logo etc) free of charge.

sbarex commented 3 years ago

After many works I created a repository with the first alpha release of a quicklook generator for markdown files...

I have not had the opportunity to test it on other computer than the one in which I developed it...

micnguyen commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the work @sbarex . Shame about not being able to update the homebrew-cask with this functioning version :(

sbarex commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the work @sbarex . Shame about not being able to update the homebrew-cask with this functioning version :(

I do not use brew cask, but my app is accessibile via the formula sbarex-qlmarkdown.

orchetect commented 3 years ago

I do not use brew cask, but my app is accessibile via the formula sbarex-qlmarkdown.

I haven't tested it but would it update to the latest version via both brew upgrade and Sparkle still? Would brew know if Sparkle updated the app already?

sbarex commented 3 years ago

I do not use brew cask, but my app is accessibile via the formula sbarex-qlmarkdown.

I haven't tested it but would it update to the latest version via both brew upgrade and Sparkle still? Would brew know if Sparkle updated the app already?

I have no idea how brew works, but i guess it checks the version number to decide if the app requires an update. However Sparkle always detects the latest version available while brew may be out of date. To start the update via Sparkle you need to launch the main application.