toland / qlmarkdown

QuickLook generator for Markdown files.
3.24k stars 141 forks source link

Does not work under macOS Catalina Version 10.15.4 #98

Open Rabattkarte opened 4 years ago

Rabattkarte commented 4 years ago

Referencing #97 as this is still a bug!

See attachment (sorry, it's in German). Still the same error message.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-31 um 13 34 57

I'm running on macOS Catalina 10.15.4.

I tried uninstalling & force reinstalling via brew prior, like this:

$ brew update && brew cask uninstall qlmarkdown && brew cask install --force qlmarkdown

Version info:

$ brew cask info qlmarkdown
qlmarkdown: 1.3.6
/usr/local/Caskroom/qlmarkdown/1.3.6 (155B)
==> Name
==> Artifacts
QLMarkdown.qlgenerator (QuickLook Plugin)
toland commented 4 years ago

This sounds like the enhanced security checking that was introduced in Catalina. See the discussion on for some ideas on how to deal with it.

seamusdemora commented 4 years ago

Here's the error message in English:

Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 6 23 54 PM

I looked at #89, but didn't see anything that looked like a solution?

richardwo commented 4 years ago

I looked in System Preferences / Security & Privacy / General and it was shown there. Screenshot 2020-04-02 at 10 29 00 I clicked 'Allow Anyway' then the next time the '"QLMarkdown.qlgenerator" can't be opened' message appeared there was an 'Open' button which I clicked.
It's now working fine.

Rabattkarte commented 4 years ago

@richardwo I did the same and it's working. Thanks!

Still I would consider this a workaround rather than a solution to the trust issue between the app and macOS.

seamusdemora commented 4 years ago

@Rabattkarte: I don't see this as a "workaround". Instead, I see Apple's opaque and nonsensical "security" measures as the only real issue. We're not behaving recklessly, and Apple will never "save" anyone with this nonsense; they simply burden us with "security measures" designed by their marketing department. What aggravates me is that I must do this (jump through Apple's hoops for granting a "security exception") over and over and over again. I truly resent it, and I tell them so at every opportunity. I think we all should complain - unless we want more of this.

seamusdemora commented 4 years ago

@richardwo : This worked for me also. I'm used to dealing with this on full apps - don't know why it didn't occur to me to check it for qlmarkdown. Thanks for the reminder. :P

AFAIC, you could close this issue.

websocket98765 commented 4 years ago

I couldn't get this to work on MacOS Catalina either, even after allowing it within System Preferences. What eventually worked was using instructions adapted from

brew cask install qlmarkdown
xattr -cr ~/Library/QuickLook/QLMarkdown.qlgenerator
qlmanage -r
qlmanage -r cache
killall Finder  # relaunch finder
christiangenco commented 4 years ago

qlmarkdown still isn't working for me on Catalina 😔

I just did a fresh install of macOS, installed qlmarkdown with brew cask install qlmarkdown, tried previewing a .md file in QuickLook, saw the markdown preview and thought I'd figured it out, then later saw the popup saying it can't be opened but NO PROBLEM I know exactly how to solve that (through System Preferences / Security & Privacy / General => "Open Anyway"), but a day later I'm back to the plain text markdown previews.

I just tried brew cask uninstall qlmarkdown and then running through @websocket98765's solution using xattr -cr, but QuickLook still shows plain text previews, and now isn't even complaining about malicious software.

Is there a bug bounty program for qlmarkdown? For me markdown previews are the killer feature of QuickLook. My computer is significantly less useful with this plugin not working. I'm considering downgrading to Mojave just for this plugin.

Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 09 16 02
setanarut commented 4 years ago

@christiangenco 1.brew cask uninstall qlmarkdown

  1. Sudo spctl --master-disable # disable Gatekeeper.
  2. restart macOS
  3. Be sure, System Preferences / Security & Privacy > Anywhere is checked
  4. brew cask install qlmarkdown
    xattr -cr ~/Library/QuickLook/QLMarkdown.qlgenerator
    qlmanage -r
    qlmanage -r cache
    killall Finder  # relaunch finder
Zeebrah commented 4 years ago

@christiangenco 1.brew cask uninstall qlmarkdown

  1. Sudo spctl --master-disable # disable Gatekeeper.
  2. restart macOS
  3. Be sure, System Preferences / Security & Privacy > Anywhere is checked
brew cask install qlmarkdown
xattr -cr ~/Library/QuickLook/QLMarkdown.qlgenerator
qlmanage -r
qlmanage -r cache
killall Finder  # relaunch finder

Tried it, did't work. Created a simple script to clean all the plugins I have in this directory form this dumb quarantine attribute, then ran your script, still nothing. I have Colorcode, Stephen, Markdown and qlvideo and JSON plugins. I only managed to make JSON working. It is just complete insanity how much extra unproductive work Catalina demands. All of this for the cuteness of the dark mode.

setanarut commented 4 years ago

@Zeebrah qlmarkdown and other plugins did not work when i updated the Catalina to 10.15.4. They all worked after applying the commands.

seamusdemora commented 4 years ago


It is just complete insanity how much extra unproductive work Catalina demands. All of this for the cuteness of the dark mode.

For over 10 years now Apple's financial success is because of their hot pursuit of teen-aged girls. Are you surprised they really don't care what you think?

orchetect commented 4 years ago

Just did the update to macOS 10.15.5 and did NOT have QLMarkdown installed prior. Just installed it now and did the "Click OK" in the malware prompt, then click "Allow Anyway" in System Prefs dance a few times, and all is well. No Terminal commands needed.

Only issue is that while a Finder window is in Column mode, if the Preview pane is shown, it just shows an empty file icon and not a QuickLook preview as one might expect/hope. You have to press spacebar to see the QL rendering in the popup window. I'm hoping a system reboot might nudge this into working, but did this ever work with QLMarkdown? I don't see why it shouldn't, unless separate render API calls need to be implemented for it to work.


orchetect commented 4 years ago

lol.... well... I was right. Rebooting now makes the Preview pane render. But, uh... not in the way you'd expect.

I guess that's progress? 😅


relikd commented 4 years ago

@orchetect see issue #88. Also, already fixed in #95. Waiting for merge.