toleda / audio_CloverALC

macOS Realtek ALC onboard audio with Clover
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CloverALC doesn't work with my ALC269 VB #75

Closed tanbinzone closed 8 years ago

tanbinzone commented 8 years ago

maybe it is diffrent in codec.Can you add supported to this ? Thanks

Here is my codec :

Codec: Realtek ALC269VB Address: 0 AFG Function Id: 0x1 (unsol 1) Vendor Id: 0x10ec0269 Subsystem Id: 0x101999d8 Revision Id: 0x100100 No Modem Function Group found Default PCM: rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000 bits [0xe]: 16 20 24 formats [0x1]: PCM Default Amp-In caps: N/A Default Amp-Out caps: N/A State of AFG node 0x01: Power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 CLKSTOP EPSS Power: setting=D0, actual=D0 GPIO: io=2, o=0, i=0, unsolicited=1, wake=0 IO[0]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0 IO[1]: enable=0, dir=0, wake=0, sticky=0, data=0, unsol=0 Node 0x02 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x1d: Stereo Amp-Out Control: name="Speaker Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0 Amp-Out vals: [0x3d 0x3d] Converter: stream=8, channel=0 PCM: rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000 bits [0xe]: 16 20 24 formats [0x1]: PCM Node 0x03 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x1d: Stereo Amp-Out Control: name="Headphone Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0 Device: name="ALC269VB Analog", type="Audio", device=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x57, nsteps=0x57, stepsize=0x02, mute=0 Amp-Out vals: [0x3d 0x3d] Converter: stream=8, channel=0 PCM: rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000 bits [0xe]: 16 20 24 formats [0x1]: PCM Node 0x04 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x05 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x06 [Audio Output] wcaps 0x211: Stereo Digital Converter: stream=0, channel=0 Digital: Digital category: 0x0 IEC Coding Type: 0x0 PCM: rates [0x5e0]: 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000 bits [0xe]: 16 20 24 formats [0x1]: PCM Node 0x07 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x08 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10011b: Stereo Amp-In Control: name="Capture Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Capture Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0 Device: name="ALC269VB Analog", type="Audio", device=0 Amp-In caps: ofs=0x0b, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1 Amp-In vals: [0x13 0x13] Converter: stream=4, channel=0 SDI-Select: 0 PCM: rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000 bits [0xe]: 16 20 24 formats [0x1]: PCM Connection: 1 0x23 Node 0x09 [Audio Input] wcaps 0x10011b: Stereo Amp-In Amp-In caps: ofs=0x0b, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1 Amp-In vals: [0x8b 0x8b] Converter: stream=0, channel=0 SDI-Select: 0 PCM: rates [0x560]: 44100 48000 96000 192000 bits [0xe]: 16 20 24 formats [0x1]: PCM Connection: 1 0x22 Node 0x0a [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x0b [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In Control: name="Internal Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=1, ofs=0 Control: name="Internal Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=1, ofs=0 Control: name="Mic Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Mic Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Beep Playback Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=4, ofs=0 Control: name="Beep Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=4, ofs=0 Amp-In caps: ofs=0x17, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=1 Amp-In vals: [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] Connection: 5 0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d Node 0x0c [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] Connection: 2 0x02 0x0b Node 0x0d [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] Connection: 2 0x03 0x0b Node 0x0e [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x0f [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010a: Mono Amp-In Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-In vals: [0x00] [0x00] Connection: 2 0x02 0x0b Node 0x10 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x11 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x12 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40000b: Stereo Amp-In Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0 Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] Pincap 0x00000020: IN Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Black DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0 Misc = NO_PRESENCE Pin-ctls: 0x00: Node 0x13 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x14 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018d: Stereo Amp-Out Control: name="Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Speaker Front Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x00 0x00] Pincap 0x00010014: OUT EAPD Detect EAPD 0x2: EAPD Pin Default 0x99130110: [Fixed] Speaker at Int ATAPI Conn = ATAPI, Color = Unknown DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0x0 Misc = NO_PRESENCE Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0 Connection: 2 0x0c* 0x0d Node 0x15 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x16 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x17 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40010c: Mono Amp-Out Control: name="Bass Speaker Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=1, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Speaker Surround Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x00] Pincap 0x00000010: OUT Pin Default 0x99130120: [Fixed] Speaker at Int ATAPI Conn = ATAPI, Color = Unknown DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0x0 Misc = NO_PRESENCE Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT Connection: 1 0x0f Node 0x18 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out Control: name="Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Mic Jack", index=0, device=0 Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0 Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80] Pincap 0x00001734: IN OUT Detect Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 Pin Default 0x01a11c30: [Jack] Mic at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Black DefAssociation = 0x3, Sequence = 0x0 Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80 Unsolicited: tag=02, enabled=1 Connection: 1 0x0d Node 0x19 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40008b: Stereo Amp-In Control: name="Internal Mic Boost Volume", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=In, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Internal Mic Phantom Jack", index=0, device=0 Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0 Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] Pincap 0x00001724: IN Detect Vref caps: HIZ 50 GRD 80 Pin Default 0x99a3093f: [Fixed] Mic at Int ATAPI Conn = ATAPI, Color = Unknown DefAssociation = 0x3, Sequence = 0xf Misc = NO_PRESENCE Pin-ctls: 0x24: IN VREF_80 Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0 Node 0x1a [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0 Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80] Pincap 0x0000003c: IN OUT HP Detect Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Black DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0 Misc = NO_PRESENCE Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0 Connection: 2 0x0c* 0x0d Node 0x1b [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018f: Stereo Amp-In Amp-Out Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x03, stepsize=0x2f, mute=0 Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x80 0x80] Pincap 0x00000034: IN OUT Detect Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Black DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0 Misc = NO_PRESENCE Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0 Connection: 2 0x0c* 0x0d Node 0x1c [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x1d [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400000: Mono Pincap 0x00000020: IN Pin Default 0x40179a2d: [N/A] Speaker at Ext N/A Conn = Analog, Color = Pink DefAssociation = 0x2, Sequence = 0xd Pin-ctls: 0x20: IN Node 0x1e [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x400381: Stereo Digital Pincap 0x00000014: OUT Detect Pin Default 0x411111f0: [N/A] Speaker at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Black DefAssociation = 0xf, Sequence = 0x0 Misc = NO_PRESENCE Pin-ctls: 0x40: OUT Unsolicited: tag=00, enabled=0 Connection: 1 0x06 Node 0x1f [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00000: Mono Node 0x20 [Vendor Defined Widget] wcaps 0xf00040: Mono Processing caps: benign=0, ncoeff=25 Node 0x21 [Pin Complex] wcaps 0x40018d: Stereo Amp-Out Control: name="Headphone Playback Switch", index=0, device=0 ControlAmp: chs=3, dir=Out, idx=0, ofs=0 Control: name="Headphone Jack", index=0, device=0 Amp-Out caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-Out vals: [0x00 0x00] Pincap 0x0000001c: OUT HP Detect Pin Default 0x0121101f: [Jack] HP Out at Ext Rear Conn = 1/8, Color = Black DefAssociation = 0x1, Sequence = 0xf Pin-ctls: 0xc0: OUT HP Unsolicited: tag=01, enabled=1 Connection: 2 0x0c 0x0d Node 0x22 [Audio Selector] wcaps 0x30010b: Stereo Amp-In Amp-In caps: N/A Amp-In vals: [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] [0x00 0x00] Connection: 7 0x18\ 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d 0x0b 0x12 Node 0x23 [Audio Mixer] wcaps 0x20010b: Stereo Amp-In Amp-In caps: ofs=0x00, nsteps=0x00, stepsize=0x00, mute=1 Amp-In vals: [0x80 0x80] [0x00 0x00] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] [0x80 0x80] Connection: 6 0x18 0x19 0x1a 0x1b 0x1d 0x0b

toleda commented 8 years ago

Apologies, no. See README/D. Realtek ALCxxx/1. Supported codecs/i. 269 (BRIX only) Not possible to support codecs I don't own.

tanbinzone commented 8 years ago

I see.