toleda / audio_RealtekALC

macOS Realtek ALC onboard audio with Chameleon/Clover
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10.13.2 is not supported #44

Open qiuzhu opened 6 years ago

qiuzhu commented 6 years ago

OS X Version: 10.13.2 is not supported No system files were changed To save a Copy of this Terminal session: Terminal/Shell/Export Text As ..

toleda commented 6 years ago

Apologies for the delay in replying. Not planning to update realtekALC. Does work for you? If not, why do you need realtekALC?

CharlesCCC commented 5 years ago

@qiuzhu i got the same message, but i changed 10.12 to 10.14 in the script. everything seems worked fine without issue. (i'm having Brix Pro i7-5770R)

toleda commented 5 years ago

Apologies, missed your message. Both realtekALC and cloverALC have deprecated in favor of AppleALC. The same codec files are available with AppleALC/ALC269/layout 10.

CharlesCCC commented 5 years ago

@toleda no problem at all, thank you for the reply. I will using that next time when needed fix the audio. Brix Pro is a great little beast that perfect for Hackintosh. thank you for all the help provided here and at the forum.