tolgahanuzun / Utopmod

Telegram id : @Utopmod_bot
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Utopmod logo #7

Open berkorasen opened 6 years ago

berkorasen commented 6 years ago

Hi tolgahanuzun, i saw your task today. I will make a logo for your wish., I want to contribute to your project. Can ı join ?

tolgahanuzun commented 6 years ago

You can join in. I accept all projects until the 27th.

berkorasen commented 6 years ago


Hi, I designed some logos for UtopMod.

My concept: Fist letters of ''U''topian and ''M''oderator + letter envelope I used purple and blue because ; these are offical logo's colors. What do you think about my designs ?

tolgahanuzun commented 6 years ago

I do not like it. Sorry. There are better jobs. I do not think I want to.

berkorasen commented 6 years ago

Hi, I understand. I also have another designs for this job. I will share it to you, sir.

berkorasen commented 6 years ago

logo2 logo3 untitled-1

I purpose a different logo for your task. What do dou think about this design?

tolgahanuzun commented 6 years ago

This is better. Comment out my post when it's done. Add your post on. I will do the evaluations collectively.

berkorasen commented 6 years ago

When ı share on utopian ? Today or tomorrow ?

tolgahanuzun commented 6 years ago

3.30 hours in, you have the right to share.

berkorasen commented 6 years ago I shared my design for your task.