tolgee / tolgee-js

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Self closing tags are not supported (<br />) #3101

Open Goye opened 1 year ago

Goye commented 1 year ago

Hey everyone hope all is going well,

I am trying to use the line break element without success, even if I try using the function form does not work. I guess this is happening will all these kinds of tags

Do you know what the problem might be? Or which file can I modify to fix it?

Thank you so much,


Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 7 17 33 PM

Code snippet

    key: 'about.whoWeAre.lowFees.description',
    parameters: {
        s: <s />,
        strong: <strong />,
        br: <br />,


"@tolgee/react": "^4.9.2", "react": "^17.0.2", "next": "12.1.0",

stepan662 commented 1 year ago

Hey, we are now using format.js for parsing tags and it doesn't support this, so now we don't have an easy way how to enable it. We might change this by implementing our custom tag parser. Another thing is that we are preparing a new core library now, so after we release that, we might look at this again.

Goye commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know! @stepan662

bpetermann commented 1 year ago


just wanted to ask if there are any updates on this?

Thanks in advance!

stepan662 commented 1 year ago

Hey, sorry not yet. Will try to get to this, as I had multiple requests. In mean time, you can use <br></br>, it's a bit ugly, but it works.