tolgee / tolgee-platform

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Activity and notifications #2244

Open ZuzanaOdstrcilova opened 4 weeks ago

ZuzanaOdstrcilova commented 4 weeks ago

Complex redesign of two topic: activities and notifications

List of ideas from other issues (abbreviated, no duplicates)



Figma design:

ZuzanaOdstrcilova commented 4 weeks ago

Unification of these issues:

stepan662 commented 3 weeks ago

We should also solve changes in plurals ans switching from/to plurals - how to visualize them in history and activity.

marketachalupnikova commented 3 weeks ago

user feedback about imports activity: the absence of a history of imports feature makes it challenging to track past actions. Well the thing that I mean was simply a history of imports in import section (with some details like the file name, date, user, number of keys if possible)