tolgee / tolgee-platform

Developer & translator friendly web-based localization platform
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Feature Request: Add config option to select how translation percentages are calculated #2246

Open krisgerhard opened 4 weeks ago

krisgerhard commented 4 weeks ago

Currently percentages are calculated based on word count. For some users it might make more sense to get an overview based on key count.

This topic was also discussed in

JanCizmar commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks! Can you please elaborate more on, whats the exact reason why would you like to count with the keys and not the words. AFAIK words are standard in the localization world.

krisgerhard commented 4 weeks ago

Our word-based percentage is 21, when key-based would be 41. The untranslated labels are very long thus the big difference.

41 represents better the state of the translation file -> "41% of all the label in the application are translated." 21 represents better the amount of work the translator needs to do.

So I think it comes down to get observer's information needs. I, as developer, want to know how much of the application is translated.

On a sidenote. Would I ever reach 100% if base language has more words than given language?

JanCizmar commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for clarification.

On a sidenote. Would I ever reach 100% if base language has more words than given language?

Yes, since the base words are always counted.