tolgee / tolgee-platform

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Trying to disable native authentication with `tolgee.authentication.native-enabled`=`false` doesn't work #2281

Open emericv opened 2 weeks ago

emericv commented 2 weeks ago

I'm trying to disable native authentication with tolgee.authentication.native-enabled=false

    enabled: true
    native-enabled: false

But after a restart, the native login form is still here.


Dockerized Tolgee v3.59.3

JanCizmar commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, there is no native-enabled there is only enabled

Edit: OK, there is native-enabled.

Edit 2: Sorry!

Edit 3: You're right that this is weird. We plan fix these issues with other SSO updates we plan. According to the code, it's only used to determine whether your password is resetable or not.

emericv commented 2 weeks ago

@JanCizmar Yep...

It's documented here:

JanCizmar commented 2 weeks ago

This is the master feature:

JanCizmar commented 2 weeks ago

I am closing this in favour of the master. Thanks for reporting anyway!