Simple and lightweight implementation of the Apache Lucene Index as frontend search solution for TYPO3. Created by Joschi Kuphal (@jkphl), licensed under the terms of the GPL v2 license.
For example if i searched "Lösungen" i would get results with only "n", because the searchterm would be rewritten to Lösunge(title:Lösungen*^2 OR keywords:Lösungen*^1.6 OR abstract:Lösungen~0.5^1.2 OR bodytext:Lösungen~0.5)n
Fixes a problem with umlauts in Searches.
For example if i searched "Lösungen" i would get results with only "n", because the searchterm would be rewritten to
Lösunge(title:Lösungen*^2 OR keywords:Lösungen*^1.6 OR abstract:Lösungen~0.5^1.2 OR bodytext:Lösungen~0.5)n