toluaina / pgsync

Postgres to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch sync
MIT License
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Join by multiple user defined foreign keys ignores order #453

Open powtostream opened 1 year ago

powtostream commented 1 year ago

PGSync version: 2.5.0

Postgres version: 14

Elasticsearch version: 7.17.10

Redis version: 7.0.11

Python version: 3.10

Problem Description: I have 2 tables "variants" and "codes," i don't use foreign keys and usually join by 2 primary key columns "mp_account_id", "id" in "variants" and "mp_account_id", "variant_id" in "codes" which are unique constraints. When i try to use user defined foreign keys on just "ids" it works fine, but it joins some unwanted info because ids can be the same but mp_account_ids can be different. So if i do like this: "foreign_key": { "child": ["mp_account_id", "variant_id"], "parent": ["mp_account_id", "id"] } it seems that it ignores the order and tries to join by mp_account_id=id and variant_id=mp_account_id which is obviously wrong. It looks like it is doing it alphabetically placing "id" in front of "mp_account_id" My schema: [ { "database": "my_db", "index": "my_index", "nodes": { "table": "variants", "schema": "public", "columns": [ "client_uuid", "mp_account_id", "id", "image", "name", "description", "brand_name" ], "transform": { "mapping": { "client_uuid": {"type": "keyword"}, "mp_account_id": {"type": "integer"}, "id": {"type": "keyword"}, "image": {"type": "keyword"}, "name": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "simple" }, "description": {"type": "text"}, "brand_name": {"type": "text"} } }, "children": [ { "table": "codes", "schema": "public", "columns": [ "value" ], "transform": { "value": {"type": "text"} }, "relationship": { "variant": "scalar", "type": "one_to_many", "foreign_key": { "child": ["mp_account_id", "variant_id"], "parent": ["mp_account_id", "id"] } } } ] } } ]

Error Message (if any):

WHERE mp_product_codes_1.mp_account_id = AND mp_product_codes_1.variant_id = mp_product_variants_1.mp_account_id GROUP BY mp_product_codes_1.mp_account_id, mp_product_codes_1.variant_id) AS anon_1 ON anon_1.mp_account_id = AND anon_1.variant_id = mp_product_variants_1.mp_account_id 
WHERE CAST(CAST(mp_product_variants_1.xmin AS TEXT) AS BIGINT) < %(param_1)s]