Closed github-sunny closed 1 year ago
I've recently added a DIAGNOSTIC device type - use it to add your device, wait for some time (like a few mins), then download diagnostic data and attach here so we can try to identify sensor keys.
Commands are also can be identified from diagnostic data but it is better to make a diagnostic dump after each action in the native mobile app (in order to be sure that logged command corresponds to a particular action)
So tried several things, I have the Delta pro and the Delta 2, so I can check my inputs. The Delto 2 sends many datas, but the Delta Pro:
"integration_manifest": { "domain": "ecoflow-cloud", "name": "Ecoflow-Cloud", "version": "0.2", "documentation": "", "issue_tracker": "", "requirements": [ "paho-mqtt==1.6.1", "reactivex==4.0.4" ], "config_flow": true, "codeowners": [ "@tolwi" ], "iot_class": "cloud_push", "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "1": {}, "2": {}, "3": {}, "4": {}, "5": {}, "commands": [ { "from": "Android", "id": "412881251", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 72 }, "version": "1.0" } ]
try one more time with the latest version
next try: the same, execpt the "id". Do you change the version number with every try here? it is still 0.2.
I don't know, if it has to be so, but with the DIAG type it will be no device found
version 0.3.2 - even more diagnostic info
something is strange, no diagnostic button at all, no data from delta 2
OK, Delta 2 is still not working, but the Delta Pro has now very much data:
```yaml "integration_manifest": { "domain": "ecoflow-cloud", "name": "Ecoflow-Cloud", "version": "0.3.2", "documentation": "", "issue_tracker": "", "requirements": [ "paho-mqtt==1.6.1", "reactivex==4.0.4" ], "config_flow": true, "codeowners": [ "@tolwi" ], "iot_class": "cloud_push", "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "commands": [ { "from": "Android", "id": "366021300", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 72 }, "version": "1.0" } ], "raw_data": [ { "params": { "mppt.carOutVol": 0, "mppt.carState": 0, "mppt.faultCode": 0, "mppt.xt60ChgType": 2, "mppt.dc24vState": 1, "mppt.carTemp": 0, "mppt.outWatts": 23, "mppt.swVer": 50397216, "mppt.carOutAmp": 0, "mppt.outAmp": 4, "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 0, "mppt.chgPauseFlag": 0, "mppt.inWatts": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vVol": 0, "mppt.cfgDcChgCurrent": 8000, "mppt.inAmp": 0, "mppt.inVol": 33, "mppt.carOutWatts": 0, "mppt.mpptTemp": 53, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682077583, "mppt.outVol": 489, "mppt.chgType": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vAmp": 0, "mppt.cfgChgType": 0, "mppt.dc24vTemp": 57, "mppt.chgState": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926339677001599, "timestamp": 1674682077583 }, { "params": { "inv.dcInVol": 0, "inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutVoltage": 230000, "inv.cfgStandbyMin": 0, "inv.dcInAmp": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutFreq": 1, "inv.errCode": 0, "inv.outputWatts": 152, "inv.dcInTemp": 70, "inv.invOutFreq": 50, "inv.cfgFastChgWatts": 0, "inv.chargerType": 1, "inv.acInAmp": 1505, "inv.fanState": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682077583, "inv.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "inv.cfgAcXboost": 0, "inv.outTemp": 60, "inv.invType": 15, "inv.acDipSwitch": 2, "inv.invOutVol": 233828, "inv.acInVol": 233834, "inv.inputWatts": 352, "inv.acPassByAutoEn": 1, "inv.acInFreq": 50, "inv.chgPauseFlag": 0, "inv.dischargeType": 1, "inv.invOutAmp": 1228, "inv.sysVer": 33620303, "inv.cfgSlowChgWatts": 200 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926339677001602, "timestamp": 1674682077583 }, { "params": { "pd.iconWifiMode": 0, "pd.iconOverloadState": 0, "pd.wattsInSum": 354, "pd.wifiVer": 196609, "pd.iconLowTempMode": 0, "pd.iconGasGenMode": 0, "pd.iconBmsParallelMode": 0, "pd.iconInvParallelState": 0, "pd.typec2Watts": 0, "pd.iconTypecState": 0, "pd.iconCarMode": 1, "pd.iconCoGasState": 0, "pd.iconRcState": 0, "pd.iconHiTempState": 0, "pd.iconHiTempMode": 0, "pd.iconEcoMode": 0, "pd.usb1Watts": 0, "pd.standByMode": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682080438, "pd.chgPowerDc": 0, "pd.dsgPowerDc": 474, "pd.iconUsbState": 0, "pd.typccUsedTime": 6454, "pd.extRj45Port": 0, "pd.iconBtMode": 0, "pd.typec2Temp": 29, "pd.carUsedTime": 4708, "pd.typec1Watts": 0, "pd.soc": 18, "pd.iconFactoryState": 0, "pd.iconChgStationState": 0, "pd.iconBmsParallelState": 0, "pd.wirelessWatts": 0, "pd.iconCarState": 0, "pd.iconSocUpsMode": 0, "pd.ext3p8Port": 0, "pd.iconSolarBracketMode": 0, "pd.wattsOutSum": 155, "pd.iconWifiState": 0, "pd.iconWindGenMode": 0, "pd.iconUsbMode": 0, "pd.iconBmsErrState": 0, "pd.iconBmsErrMode": 0, "pd.iconWindGenState": 0, "pd.iconBtState": 0, "pd.iconEcoState": 0, "pd.carState": 0, "pd.invUsedTime": 8892530, "pd.iconAcFreqMode": 1, "pd.typec1Temp": 28, "pd.dsgPowerAc": 375083, "pd.dcInUsedTime": 0, "pd.iconLowTempState": 0, "pd.model": 1, "pd.chgPowerAc": 406969, "pd.beepState": 0, "pd.iconPackHeaterState": 0, "pd.wifiAutoRcvy": 0, "pd.remainTime": 877, "pd.iconFanState": 0, "pd.ext4p8Port": 0, "pd.chgSunPower": 22840, "pd.carTemp": 0, "pd.lcdBrightness": 100, "pd.iconRechgTimeState": 0, "pd.qcUsb2Watts": 0, "pd.lcdOffSec": 300, "pd.iconTransSwState": 0, "pd.iconTypecMode": 0, "pd.sysVer": 16908366, "pd.iconOverloadMode": 0, "pd.iconRechgTimeMode": 0, "pd.sysChgDsgState": 2, "pd.iconInvParallelMode": 0, "pd.qcUsb1Watts": 0, "pd.iconTransSwMode": 0, "pd.iconFactoryMode": 0, "pd.kit1": 0, "pd.iconFanMode": 1, "pd.usbqcUsedTime": 11711, "pd.dcOutState": 1, "pd.usbUsedTime": 3134, "pd.mpptUsedTime": 478424, "pd.iconSolarPanelState": 0, "pd.iconWirelessChgMode": 0, "pd.wifiRssi": 0, "pd.iconSocUpsState": 0, "pd.iconSolarBracketState": 0, "pd.errCode": 0, "pd.iconPackHeaterMode": 0, "pd.iconCoGasMode": 0, "pd.carWatts": 0, "pd.iconChgStationMode": 0, "pd.iconAcFreqState": 0, "pd.iconGasGenState": 0, "pd.usb2Watts": 0, "pd.iconRcMode": 0, "pd.iconWirelessChgState": 0, "pd.iconSolarPanelMode": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926365446802358, "timestamp": 1674682080438 }, { "params": { "ems.chgCmd": 1, "ems.bmsWarningState": 0, "ems.minDsgSoc": 5, "ems.paraVolMax": 50064, "ems.f32LcdShowSoc": 17.609001, "ems.lcdShowSoc": 18, "ems.emsIsNormalFlag": 1, "ems.bms0Online": 3, "ems.minOpenOilEbSoc": 0, "ems.maxChargeSoc": 95, "ems.chgRemainTime": 877, "ems.paraVolMin": 49464, "ems.openBmsIdx": 1, "ems.dsgRemainTime": 143999, "ems.maxAvailableNum": 1, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682080439, "ems.bms1Online": 0, "ems.chgVol": 51013, "ems.bmsModel": 1, "ems.dsgCmd": 1, "ems.openUpsFlag": 1, "ems.maxCloseOilEbSoc": 100, "ems.chgState": 1, "ems.fanLevel": 0, "ems.chgAmp": 130000, "ems.bms2Online": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926365446802363, "timestamp": 1674682080439 }, { "params": { "bmsMaster.f32ShowSoc": 17.610107, "bmsMaster.designCap": 80000, "bmsMaster.remainCap": 10642, "bmsMaster.temp": 29, "bmsMaster.bmsFault": 0, "bmsMaster.maxCellTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.vol": 50015, "bmsMaster.soh": 0, "bmsMaster.sysVer": 16843029, "bmsMaster.bqSysStatReg": 128, "bmsMaster.amp": 3375, "bmsMaster.outputWatts": 0, "bmsMaster.soc": 18, "bmsMaster.num": 0, "bmsMaster.openBmsIdx": 1, "bmsMaster.type": 1, "bmsMaster.minCellTemp": 28, "bmsMaster.errCode": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682080536, "bmsMaster.maxMosTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.tagChgAmp": 64000, "bmsMaster.maxCellVol": 3334, "bmsMaster.inputWatts": 0, "bmsMaster.minMosTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.remainTime": 0, "bmsMaster.minCellVol": 3328, "bmsMaster.fullCap": 60435, "bmsMaster.cellId": 2, "bmsMaster.cycles": 23 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926365446803110, "timestamp": 1674682080536 }, { "params": { "inv.dcInVol": 0, "inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0, 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1, "ems.fanLevel": 0, "ems.chgAmp": 130000, "ems.bms2Online": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926416986411313, "timestamp": 1674682086432 }, { "params": { "bmsMaster.f32ShowSoc": 17.619205, "bmsMaster.designCap": 80000, "bmsMaster.remainCap": 10648, "bmsMaster.temp": 29, "bmsMaster.bmsFault": 0, "bmsMaster.maxCellTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.vol": 50015, "bmsMaster.soh": 0, "bmsMaster.sysVer": 16843029, "bmsMaster.bqSysStatReg": 128, "bmsMaster.amp": 3443, "bmsMaster.outputWatts": 0, "bmsMaster.soc": 18, "bmsMaster.num": 0, "bmsMaster.openBmsIdx": 1, "bmsMaster.type": 1, "bmsMaster.minCellTemp": 28, "bmsMaster.errCode": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682086432, "bmsMaster.maxMosTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.tagChgAmp": 64000, "bmsMaster.maxCellVol": 3334, "bmsMaster.inputWatts": 0, "bmsMaster.minMosTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.remainTime": 0, "bmsMaster.minCellVol": 3328, "bmsMaster.fullCap": 60435, "bmsMaster.cellId": 2, "bmsMaster.cycles": 23 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926416986411316, "timestamp": 1674682086432 }, { "params": { "inv.dcInVol": 0, "inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutVoltage": 230000, "inv.cfgStandbyMin": 0, "inv.dcInAmp": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutFreq": 1, "inv.errCode": 0, "inv.outputWatts": 154, "inv.dcInTemp": 70, "inv.invOutFreq": 50, "inv.cfgFastChgWatts": 0, "inv.chargerType": 1, "inv.acInAmp": 1513, "inv.fanState": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682086499, "inv.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "inv.cfgAcXboost": 0, "inv.outTemp": 60, "inv.invType": 15, "inv.acDipSwitch": 2, "inv.invOutVol": 233360, "inv.acInVol": 233889, "inv.inputWatts": 354, "inv.acPassByAutoEn": 1, "inv.acInFreq": 50, "inv.chgPauseFlag": 0, "inv.dischargeType": 1, "inv.invOutAmp": 1238, "inv.sysVer": 33620303, "inv.cfgSlowChgWatts": 200 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926416986412015, "timestamp": 1674682086499 }, { "params": { "mppt.carOutVol": 0, "mppt.carState": 0, "mppt.faultCode": 0, "mppt.xt60ChgType": 2, "mppt.dc24vState": 1, "mppt.carTemp": 0, "mppt.outWatts": 21, "mppt.swVer": 50397216, "mppt.carOutAmp": 0, "mppt.outAmp": 4, "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 0, "mppt.chgPauseFlag": 0, "mppt.inWatts": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vVol": 0, "mppt.cfgDcChgCurrent": 8000, "mppt.inAmp": 0, "mppt.inVol": 36, "mppt.carOutWatts": 0, "mppt.mpptTemp": 53, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682086580, "mppt.outVol": 489, "mppt.chgType": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vAmp": 0, "mppt.cfgChgType": 0, "mppt.dc24vTemp": 57, "mppt.chgState": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926416986412901, "timestamp": 1674682086580 }, { "params": { "pd.iconWifiMode": 0, "pd.iconOverloadState": 0, "pd.wattsInSum": 352, "pd.wifiVer": 196609, "pd.iconLowTempMode": 0, "pd.iconGasGenMode": 0, "pd.iconBmsParallelMode": 0, "pd.iconInvParallelState": 0, "pd.typec2Watts": 0, "pd.iconTypecState": 0, "pd.iconCarMode": 1, "pd.iconCoGasState": 0, "pd.iconRcState": 0, "pd.iconHiTempState": 0, "pd.iconHiTempMode": 0, "pd.iconEcoMode": 0, "pd.usb1Watts": 0, "pd.standByMode": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682089416, "pd.chgPowerDc": 0, "pd.dsgPowerDc": 474, "pd.iconUsbState": 0, "pd.typccUsedTime": 6454, "pd.extRj45Port": 0, "pd.iconBtMode": 0, "pd.typec2Temp": 29, "pd.carUsedTime": 4708, "pd.typec1Watts": 0, "pd.soc": 18, "pd.iconFactoryState": 0, "pd.iconChgStationState": 0, "pd.iconBmsParallelState": 0, "pd.wirelessWatts": 0, "pd.iconCarState": 0, "pd.iconSocUpsMode": 0, "pd.ext3p8Port": 0, "pd.iconSolarBracketMode": 0, "pd.wattsOutSum": 153, "pd.iconWifiState": 0, "pd.iconWindGenMode": 0, "pd.iconUsbMode": 0, "pd.iconBmsErrState": 0, "pd.iconBmsErrMode": 0, "pd.iconWindGenState": 0, "pd.iconBtState": 0, "pd.iconEcoState": 0, "pd.carState": 0, "pd.invUsedTime": 8892539, "pd.iconAcFreqMode": 1, "pd.typec1Temp": 28, "pd.dsgPowerAc": 375084, "pd.dcInUsedTime": 0, "pd.iconLowTempState": 0, "pd.model": 1, "pd.chgPowerAc": 406970, "pd.beepState": 0, "pd.iconPackHeaterState": 0, "pd.wifiAutoRcvy": 0, "pd.remainTime": 877, "pd.iconFanState": 0, "pd.ext4p8Port": 0, "pd.chgSunPower": 22840, "pd.carTemp": 0, "pd.lcdBrightness": 100, "pd.iconRechgTimeState": 0, "pd.qcUsb2Watts": 0, "pd.lcdOffSec": 300, "pd.iconTransSwState": 0, "pd.iconTypecMode": 0, "pd.sysVer": 16908366, "pd.iconOverloadMode": 0, "pd.iconRechgTimeMode": 0, "pd.sysChgDsgState": 2, "pd.iconInvParallelMode": 0, "pd.qcUsb1Watts": 0, "pd.iconTransSwMode": 0, "pd.iconFactoryMode": 0, "pd.kit1": 0, "pd.iconFanMode": 1, "pd.usbqcUsedTime": 11711, "pd.dcOutState": 1, "pd.usbUsedTime": 3134, "pd.mpptUsedTime": 478424, "pd.iconSolarPanelState": 0, "pd.iconWirelessChgMode": 0, "pd.wifiRssi": 0, "pd.iconSocUpsState": 0, "pd.iconSolarBracketState": 0, "pd.errCode": 0, "pd.iconPackHeaterMode": 0, "pd.iconCoGasMode": 0, "pd.carWatts": 0, "pd.iconChgStationMode": 0, "pd.iconAcFreqState": 0, "pd.iconGasGenState": 0, "pd.usb2Watts": 0, "pd.iconRcMode": 0, "pd.iconWirelessChgState": 0, "pd.iconSolarPanelMode": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926442756214815, "timestamp": 1674682089416 }, { "params": { "inv.dcInVol": 0, "inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutVoltage": 230000, "inv.cfgStandbyMin": 0, "inv.dcInAmp": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutFreq": 1, "inv.errCode": 0, "inv.outputWatts": 154, "inv.dcInTemp": 70, "inv.invOutFreq": 50, "inv.cfgFastChgWatts": 0, "inv.chargerType": 1, "inv.acInAmp": 1514, "inv.fanState": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682089546, "inv.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "inv.cfgAcXboost": 0, "inv.outTemp": 60, "inv.invType": 15, "inv.acDipSwitch": 2, "inv.invOutVol": 233647, "inv.acInVol": 233063, "inv.inputWatts": 353, "inv.acPassByAutoEn": 1, "inv.acInFreq": 50, "inv.chgPauseFlag": 0, "inv.dischargeType": 1, "inv.invOutAmp": 1235, "inv.sysVer": 33620303, "inv.cfgSlowChgWatts": 200 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926442756216272, "timestamp": 1674682089546 }, { "params": { "ems.chgCmd": 1, "ems.bmsWarningState": 0, "ems.minDsgSoc": 5, "ems.paraVolMax": 50063, "ems.f32LcdShowSoc": 17.622238, "ems.lcdShowSoc": 18, "ems.emsIsNormalFlag": 1, "ems.bms0Online": 3, "ems.minOpenOilEbSoc": 0, "ems.maxChargeSoc": 95, "ems.chgRemainTime": 877, "ems.paraVolMin": 49463, "ems.openBmsIdx": 1, "ems.dsgRemainTime": 143999, "ems.maxAvailableNum": 1, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682089546, "ems.bms1Online": 0, "ems.chgVol": 51013, "ems.bmsModel": 1, "ems.dsgCmd": 1, "ems.openUpsFlag": 1, "ems.maxCloseOilEbSoc": 100, "ems.chgState": 1, "ems.fanLevel": 0, "ems.chgAmp": 130000, "ems.bms2Online": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926442756216273, "timestamp": 1674682089546 }, { "params": { "mppt.carOutVol": 0, "mppt.carState": 0, "mppt.faultCode": 0, "mppt.xt60ChgType": 2, "mppt.dc24vState": 1, "mppt.carTemp": 0, "mppt.outWatts": 20, "mppt.swVer": 50397216, "mppt.carOutAmp": 0, "mppt.outAmp": 4, "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 0, "mppt.chgPauseFlag": 0, "mppt.inWatts": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vVol": 0, "mppt.cfgDcChgCurrent": 8000, "mppt.inAmp": 0, "mppt.inVol": 43, "mppt.carOutWatts": 0, "mppt.mpptTemp": 53, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682089616, "mppt.outVol": 490, "mppt.chgType": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vAmp": 0, "mppt.cfgChgType": 0, "mppt.dc24vTemp": 57, "mppt.chgState": 0 }, "version": "1.0", "id": 1373926442756217082, "timestamp": 1674682089616 } ], "data": { "1": {}, "2": {}, "3": {}, "4": {}, "5": {}, "NONE": { "pd.iconWifiMode": 0, "pd.iconOverloadState": 0, "pd.wattsInSum": 352, "pd.wifiVer": 196609, "pd.iconLowTempMode": 0, "pd.iconGasGenMode": 0, "pd.iconBmsParallelMode": 0, "pd.iconInvParallelState": 0, "pd.typec2Watts": 0, "pd.iconTypecState": 0, "pd.iconCarMode": 1, "pd.iconCoGasState": 0, "pd.iconRcState": 0, "pd.iconHiTempState": 0, "pd.iconHiTempMode": 0, "pd.iconEcoMode": 0, "pd.usb1Watts": 0, "pd.standByMode": 0, "latestTimeStamp": 1674682089616, "pd.chgPowerDc": 0, "pd.dsgPowerDc": 474, "pd.iconUsbState": 0, "pd.typccUsedTime": 6454, "pd.extRj45Port": 0, "pd.iconBtMode": 0, "pd.typec2Temp": 29, "pd.carUsedTime": 4708, "pd.typec1Watts": 0, "pd.soc": 18, "pd.iconFactoryState": 0, "pd.iconChgStationState": 0, "pd.iconBmsParallelState": 0, "pd.wirelessWatts": 0, "pd.iconCarState": 0, "pd.iconSocUpsMode": 0, "pd.ext3p8Port": 0, "pd.iconSolarBracketMode": 0, "pd.wattsOutSum": 153, "pd.iconWifiState": 0, "pd.iconWindGenMode": 0, "pd.iconUsbMode": 0, "pd.iconBmsErrState": 0, "pd.iconBmsErrMode": 0, "pd.iconWindGenState": 0, "pd.iconBtState": 0, "pd.iconEcoState": 0, "pd.carState": 0, "pd.invUsedTime": 8892539, "pd.iconAcFreqMode": 1, "pd.typec1Temp": 28, "pd.dsgPowerAc": 375084, "pd.dcInUsedTime": 0, "pd.iconLowTempState": 0, "pd.model": 1, "pd.chgPowerAc": 406970, "pd.beepState": 0, "pd.iconPackHeaterState": 0, "pd.wifiAutoRcvy": 0, "pd.remainTime": 877, "pd.iconFanState": 0, "pd.ext4p8Port": 0, "pd.chgSunPower": 22840, "pd.carTemp": 0, "pd.lcdBrightness": 100, "pd.iconRechgTimeState": 0, "pd.qcUsb2Watts": 0, "pd.lcdOffSec": 300, "pd.iconTransSwState": 0, "pd.iconTypecMode": 0, "pd.sysVer": 16908366, "pd.iconOverloadMode": 0, "pd.iconRechgTimeMode": 0, "pd.sysChgDsgState": 2, "pd.iconInvParallelMode": 0, "pd.qcUsb1Watts": 0, "pd.iconTransSwMode": 0, "pd.iconFactoryMode": 0, "pd.kit1": 0, "pd.iconFanMode": 1, "pd.usbqcUsedTime": 11711, "pd.dcOutState": 1, "pd.usbUsedTime": 3134, "pd.mpptUsedTime": 478424, "pd.iconSolarPanelState": 0, "pd.iconWirelessChgMode": 0, "pd.wifiRssi": 0, "pd.iconSocUpsState": 0, "pd.iconSolarBracketState": 0, "pd.errCode": 0, "pd.iconPackHeaterMode": 0, "pd.iconCoGasMode": 0, "pd.carWatts": 0, "pd.iconChgStationMode": 0, "pd.iconAcFreqState": 0, "pd.iconGasGenState": 0, "pd.usb2Watts": 0, "pd.iconRcMode": 0, "pd.iconWirelessChgState": 0, "pd.iconSolarPanelMode": 0, "ems.chgCmd": 1, "ems.bmsWarningState": 0, "ems.minDsgSoc": 5, "ems.paraVolMax": 50063, "ems.f32LcdShowSoc": 17.622238, "ems.lcdShowSoc": 18, "ems.emsIsNormalFlag": 1, "ems.bms0Online": 3, "ems.minOpenOilEbSoc": 0, "ems.maxChargeSoc": 95, "ems.chgRemainTime": 877, "ems.paraVolMin": 49463, "ems.openBmsIdx": 1, "ems.dsgRemainTime": 143999, "ems.maxAvailableNum": 1, "ems.bms1Online": 0, "ems.chgVol": 51013, "ems.bmsModel": 1, "ems.dsgCmd": 1, "ems.openUpsFlag": 1, "ems.maxCloseOilEbSoc": 100, "ems.chgState": 1, "ems.fanLevel": 0, "ems.chgAmp": 130000, "ems.bms2Online": 0, "bmsMaster.f32ShowSoc": 17.619205, "bmsMaster.designCap": 80000, "bmsMaster.remainCap": 10648, "bmsMaster.temp": 29, "bmsMaster.bmsFault": 0, "bmsMaster.maxCellTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.vol": 50015, "bmsMaster.soh": 0, "bmsMaster.sysVer": 16843029, "bmsMaster.bqSysStatReg": 128, "bmsMaster.amp": 3443, "bmsMaster.outputWatts": 0, "bmsMaster.soc": 18, "bmsMaster.num": 0, "bmsMaster.openBmsIdx": 1, "bmsMaster.type": 1, "bmsMaster.minCellTemp": 28, "bmsMaster.errCode": 0, "bmsMaster.maxMosTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.tagChgAmp": 64000, "bmsMaster.maxCellVol": 3334, "bmsMaster.inputWatts": 0, "bmsMaster.minMosTemp": 29, "bmsMaster.remainTime": 0, "bmsMaster.minCellVol": 3328, "bmsMaster.fullCap": 60435, "bmsMaster.cellId": 2, "bmsMaster.cycles": 23, "inv.dcInVol": 0, "inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutVoltage": 230000, "inv.cfgStandbyMin": 0, "inv.dcInAmp": 0, "inv.cfgAcOutFreq": 1, "inv.errCode": 0, "inv.outputWatts": 154, "inv.dcInTemp": 70, "inv.invOutFreq": 50, "inv.cfgFastChgWatts": 0, "inv.chargerType": 1, "inv.acInAmp": 1514, "inv.fanState": 0, "inv.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "inv.cfgAcXboost": 0, "inv.outTemp": 60, "inv.invType": 15, "inv.acDipSwitch": 2, "inv.invOutVol": 233647, "inv.acInVol": 233063, "inv.inputWatts": 353, "inv.acPassByAutoEn": 1, "inv.acInFreq": 50, "inv.chgPauseFlag": 0, "inv.dischargeType": 1, "inv.invOutAmp": 1235, "inv.sysVer": 33620303, "inv.cfgSlowChgWatts": 200, "mppt.carOutVol": 0, "mppt.carState": 0, "mppt.faultCode": 0, "mppt.xt60ChgType": 2, "mppt.dc24vState": 1, "mppt.carTemp": 0, "mppt.outWatts": 20, "mppt.swVer": 50397216, "mppt.carOutAmp": 0, "mppt.outAmp": 4, "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 0, "mppt.chgPauseFlag": 0, "mppt.inWatts": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vVol": 0, "mppt.cfgDcChgCurrent": 8000, "mppt.inAmp": 0, "mppt.inVol": 43, "mppt.carOutWatts": 0, "mppt.mpptTemp": 53, "mppt.outVol": 490, "mppt.chgType": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vAmp": 0, "mppt.cfgChgType": 0, "mppt.dc24vTemp": 57, "mppt.chgState": 0 } } } } ```
and sorry; the Delta 2 had lost the Wifi connection, all data is there
try version 0.4.0 (latest commit): new device type DELTA_PRO is added with some basic sensors. Also, some controls should be available but in a read-only mode. If the current state is ok, we can proceed with commands (diagnostic dump after each action in native mobile app -> identify command)
Great! It works.
Only the USB Enabled is wrong, Is it on 'ON' but in real it is 'OFF'. and any changes in the app to make it ON will rejected.
What should I do next?
you can do the following:
OK, all switches from the App:
AC off (I think, it have a strange behavoir, the App and Ecoflow-Cloud works against)
"from": "Android",
"id": "571601763",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 66,
"enabled": 0
"version": "1.0"
XBoost on { "from": "Android", "id": "376701190", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "xboost": 1, "id": 66 }, "version": "1.0" },
XBoost off { "from": "Android", "id": "516451240", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "xboost": 0, "id": 66 }, "version": "1.0" }
USB on { "from": "Android", "id": "466471241", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 81, "enabled": 1 }, "version": "1.0" },
USB off { "from": "Android", "id": "379691259", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 81, "enabled": 0 }, "version": "1.0" },
Chargepower from grid { "from": "Android", "id": "312541279", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "slowChgPower": 300, "id": 69 }, "version": "1.0" },
Chargecurrent from car { "from": "Android", "id": "457611308", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "currMa": 6000, "id": 71 }, "version": "1.0" },
Beep off { "from": "Android", "id": "592081335", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 38, "enabled": 1 }, "version": "1.0" },
Beep on { "from": "Android", "id": "330071348", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 38, "enabled": 0 }, "version": "1.0" },
LCD brightness { "from": "Android", "id": "129601363", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 39, "lcdBrightness": 84 }, "version": "1.0" }
LCD brightness auto { "from": "Android", "id": "597021379", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 39, "lcdBrightness": 128 }, "version": "1.0" },
Smartgenerator automazit off: { "from": "Android", "id": "522441401", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "closeOilSoc": 82, "id": 53 }, "version": "1.0" },
Smartgenerator automatic on: { "from": "Android", "id": "104401426", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "openOilSoc": 11, "id": 52 }, "version": "1.0" },
device standby { "from": "Android", "id": "186171458", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 33, "standByMode": 720 }, "version": "1.0" },
LCD time off: { "from": "Android", "id": "541361473", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "lcdTime": 1800, "id": 39 }, "version": "1.0" },
AC Time off: { "from": "Android", "id": "437481492", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "standByMins": 1440, "id": 153 }, "version": "1.0" },
Lab function AC always off { "from": "Android", "id": "485451516", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 84, "enabled": 0 }, "version": "1.0" },
Lab function AC always on: { "from": "Android", "id": "364981533", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "TCP", "params": { "id": 84, "enabled": 1 }, "version": "1.0" },
For me will be very usefull all power sources and sinks, I want to integrate the Delta pro in my Home installation and will contrrol it from my system.
I saw, that you make some Implementations, great. One thing at first, it will very usefull, when the versuin number is in HACS, now it is: 379b126
So, USB on/off wont work, it goes always on on, but only in the integration here Xboost/AC always on, needs a confirmation in the App, so it can't be switch on here. AC charging power can goes to 2900 watts Beeper wont work Screen time out can be 10sec, 30sec, 1min, 5min. 30min, never. Only 30sec, 1min and 5 min work, all other values on the slider brings it to never Unit time out has teh same behavoir, possibkle values: 30min, 1hr, 2hr, 6hr, 12hr, never min/max charge level wont work.
OK, the total in power hold the last value when the current power is zero
AC on/off wont work
@github-sunny try with the latest released version v0.5.0 (pay attention to the BREAKING CHANGE warning)
@tolwi: thanks for the next version, many improvements, but:
Unit timeout has no 24hr in the app. DC 4/6/8A wont work. USB on/off still wont work Beeper wont work.
Unit timeout has no 24hr in the app.
hmm, I do have 24hr option for Delta 2 and River 2 Max, but ok, will remove it for Delta Prod
DC 4/6/8A wont work.
try to make a change from the mobile app, then from HA, and compare commands in a diagnostic dump (in set_commands list)
USB on/off still wont work Beeper wont work.
spent a lot of time trying to fix that strange behavior with switches (eventual work and auto-switching on-off-on) with no luck so far. This is a common problem for all devices and I believe that eventually, I'll find how to work around it.
DC 4/6/8A Issue: some strange behavoirs. It tooks some cycles, bevor the changes are regonized, about 20 sec. Today in the morgning; i was a little bit to fast.... From the APP 6A and 8A will work at the DP and displayed in your integration, 4A work at DP but will not displayed. no log entry. From your integration, every change will work to the DP and in the APP. But the displayed value in your interation will be the second last change.
In the diag files, I found Nothing special. Or do you need the full diag?
I think, the beeper will work now, but I can't test the whole interation, because after one click somewhere , than comes:
Update: The error above comes after try to use USB on/off.
DC charge has now always the 8A result, independs from where, from App or from here.
Beeper works.
Can you add some watts-values, like the "mppt.inWatts"? ;)
Great! So many watts! :) I will test it the next few days....
So, USB on/off still not working (not urgent for me). AC timeout has only 2,4,6,12,24h and never, not 30min, 1h. Beeper works, but before the first click there are two icons, after the first click it is a slider. And DC charge still not working it always comes back to 8A.
Another Delta Pro user here! Thank you so much for your wonderful integration! :) Can I help in any way to support your development?
So I tested many things:
additional USB ports, the Delta Pro have 2 normal USB, 2 fast (QC) USB ports and 2 USBc. The 4 available Entities are working but the two USBc are missing.
"pd.qcUsb1Watts": 0,
"pd.qcUsb2Watts": 5,
The DC out have a car charger plug and a Anderson:
Car charger plug (10x): "mppt.carOutWatts": 364, Anderson plug (1x): "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 11,
"DC out power" in your integration has never got an value.
"USB Enabled" dosn't exists in the Delta pro. But the DC Out:
"212781050": {
"target_state": null,
"command": {
"from": "Android",
"id": "212781050",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 81,
"enabled": 1 (or 0)
"version": "1.0"
"reply": {
"id": 212781050,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"result": 0,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 81
The DC current issue still exits. It is always 8A. In the diag data are many entries with the value of 8000, an example:
"310231033": {
"target_state": null,
"command": {
"from": "Android",
"id": "310231033",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 72
"version": "1.0"
"reply": {
"id": 310231033,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"data": 8000,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 72
"340251034": {
"target_state": null,
"command": {
"from": "Android",
"id": "340251034",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 72
"version": "1.0"
"reply": {
"id": 340251034,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"data": 8000,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 72
"370271035": {
"target_state": null,
"command": {
"from": "Android",
"id": "370271035",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 72
"version": "1.0"
"reply": {
"id": 370271035,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"data": 8000,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 72
"400281036": {
"target_state": null,
"command": {
"from": "Android",
"id": "400281036",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 72
"version": "1.0"
"reply": {
"id": 400281036,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"data": 8000,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 72
Beeper works in the integration (with external mqtt signals too) Beeper works in the App (the mqtt will be ignored) and the state in the integration doesn't change.
In the diag file are many entry with id:38 for the beeper. I attached a complete diag here: config_entry-ecoflow_cloud-9e2c08ff15bd927e636172f861d0e022.json (21).txt
= pd.carWatts
= total of all dc outputs (mppt.carOutWatts
remains 0), so I've changed dc total for delta pro to mppt.outWatts
and added mppt.carOutWatts
+ mppt.dcdc12vWatts
Beeper: state relies on mppt.beepState
which is ok for delta 2, but seems not ok for delta pro: try to figure out what key to use - change state from the app and detect changed value in diag dump
DC current: have no idea what is wrong with that - try to compare commands in diag dump made from this integration ("from": "HomeAssistant") and from the native mobile app ("from": "Android")
'DC enabled' works 'USB qc' works 'DC Anderson out' works 'DC Car out' works
But the 'DC out power' shows values, that can't associate with other values, I don't know what mptt.dcdc12vWatts is, it have somethoing to do with the solar input, only when the DP is charging there a values, a little bit lower than the solar input.
DC Current works now, I Don't know, I you have somethong changed. Perhaps I was to fast with my changes, it took about 25 sec to flow through the whole systems.
Beeper icon after new start: And after first use:
Beeper works in the way from HA to App:
"999946475": {
"target_state": {
"mppt.beepState": 1
"command": {
"from": "HomeAssistant",
"id": "999946475",
"version": "1.0",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 38,
"enabled": 1
"reply": {
"id": 999946475,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"result": 0,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 38
"999946476": {
"target_state": {
"mppt.beepState": 0
"command": {
"from": "HomeAssistant",
"id": "999946476",
"version": "1.0",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 38,
"enabled": 0
"reply": {
"id": 999946476,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"result": 0,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 38
but not the way from App to HA:
"999946476": {
"target_state": {
"mppt.beepState": 0
"command": {
"from": "HomeAssistant",
"id": "999946476",
"version": "1.0",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 38,
"enabled": 0
"reply": {
"id": 999946476,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"result": 0,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 38
"999946477": {
"target_state": {
"mppt.beepState": 1
"command": {
"from": "HomeAssistant",
"id": "999946477",
"version": "1.0",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 38,
"enabled": 1
"reply": {
"id": 999946477,
"version": "1.0",
"operateType": "TCP",
"code": "0",
"data": {
"result": 0,
"cmdSet": 32,
"ack": 0,
"id": 38
"147621262": {
"target_state": null,
"command": {
"from": "Android",
"id": "147621262",
"moduleType": 0,
"operateType": "TCP",
"params": {
"id": 38,
"enabled": 0
"version": "1.0"
"reply": {}
I don't know what mptt.dcdc12vWatts is
hmm, in your previous message you defined it as Anderson plug (1x): "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 11,
Sorry, you're right, to many datas.... I would say, that I don't know what mppt.outwatts do. Now without solar input and nothing on the 12V/usb output shows it 13Watts.
mppt.outwatts - in my case with Delta 2 it is a sum of car output and all DC5521 outputs
The dc5521 ports seems not be an extra data here, when I testes these ports, only the output to the car plug will changed. I add a complete data set for no solar input (it's dark here now) and only AC output.
"data": {
"bmsMaster.amp": -4456,
"bmsMaster.bmsFault": 0,
"bmsMaster.bqSysStatReg": 128,
"bmsMaster.cellId": 2,
"bmsMaster.cycles": 37,
"bmsMaster.designCap": 80000,
"bmsMaster.errCode": 0,
"bmsMaster.f32ShowSoc": 79.393,
"bmsMaster.fullCap": 48000,
"bmsMaster.inputWatts": 0,
"bmsMaster.maxCellTemp": 28,
"bmsMaster.maxCellVol": 3321,
"bmsMaster.maxMosTemp": 27,
"bmsMaster.minCellTemp": 27,
"bmsMaster.minCellVol": 3313,
"bmsMaster.minMosTemp": 27,
"bmsMaster.num": 0,
"bmsMaster.openBmsIdx": 1,
"bmsMaster.outputWatts": 0,
"bmsMaster.remainCap": 38108,
"bmsMaster.remainTime": 0,
"bmsMaster.soc": 79,
"bmsMaster.soh": 0,
"bmsMaster.sysVer": 16843029,
"bmsMaster.tagChgAmp": 64000,
"bmsMaster.temp": 28,
"bmsMaster.type": 1,
"bmsMaster.vol": 49809,
"ems.bms0Online": 3,
"ems.bms1Online": 0,
"ems.bms2Online": 0,
"ems.bmsModel": 1,
"ems.bmsWarningState": 0,
"ems.chgAmp": 130000,
"ems.chgCmd": 1,
"ems.chgRemainTime": 143999,
"ems.chgState": 1,
"ems.chgVol": 50809,
"ems.dsgCmd": 1,
"ems.dsgRemainTime": 513,
"ems.emsIsNormalFlag": 1,
"ems.f32LcdShowSoc": 79.39375,
"ems.fanLevel": 0,
"ems.lcdShowSoc": 79,
"ems.maxAvailableNum": 1,
"ems.maxChargeSoc": 100,
"ems.maxCloseOilEbSoc": 100,
"ems.minDsgSoc": 5,
"ems.minOpenOilEbSoc": 5,
"ems.openBmsIdx": 1,
"ems.openUpsFlag": 1,
"ems.paraVolMax": 50375,
"ems.paraVolMin": 49775,
"inv.acDipSwitch": 2,
"inv.acInAmp": 0,
"inv.acInFreq": 0,
"inv.acInVol": 0,
"inv.acPassByAutoEn": 1,
"inv.cfgAcEnabled": 1,
"inv.cfgAcOutFreq": 1,
"inv.cfgAcOutVoltage": 230000,
"inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0,
"inv.cfgAcXboost": 0,
"inv.cfgFastChgWatts": 0,
"inv.cfgSlowChgWatts": 200,
"inv.cfgStandbyMin": 0,
"inv.chargerType": 0,
"inv.chgPauseFlag": 0,
"inv.dcInAmp": 0,
"inv.dcInTemp": 29,
"inv.dcInVol": 0,
"inv.dischargeType": 1,
"inv.errCode": 0,
"inv.fanState": 1,
"inv.inputWatts": 0,
"inv.invOutAmp": 1389,
"inv.invOutFreq": 50,
"inv.invOutVol": 229365,
"inv.invType": 15,
"inv.outTemp": 29,
"inv.outputWatts": 154,
"inv.sysVer": 33620303,
"latestTimeStamp": 1675790232730,
"mppt.carOutAmp": 0,
"mppt.carOutVol": 0,
"mppt.carOutWatts": 0,
"mppt.carState": 0,
"mppt.carTemp": 0,
"mppt.cfgChgType": 0,
"mppt.cfgDcChgCurrent": 8000,
"mppt.chgPauseFlag": 0,
"mppt.chgState": 0,
"mppt.chgType": 0,
"mppt.dc24vState": 1,
"mppt.dc24vTemp": 25,
"mppt.dcdc12vAmp": 0,
"mppt.dcdc12vVol": 0,
"mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 0,
"mppt.faultCode": 0,
"mppt.inAmp": 0,
"mppt.inVol": 28,
"mppt.inWatts": 0,
"mppt.mpptTemp": 25,
"mppt.outAmp": 2,
"mppt.outVol": 489,
"mppt.outWatts": 13,
"mppt.swVer": 50397216,
"mppt.xt60ChgType": 2,
"pd.beepState": 0,
"pd.carState": 0,
"pd.carTemp": 0,
"pd.carUsedTime": 21061,
"pd.carWatts": 0,
"pd.chgPowerAc": 452036,
"pd.chgPowerDc": 0,
"pd.chgSunPower": 42104,
"pd.dcInUsedTime": 0,
"pd.dcOutState": 1,
"pd.dsgPowerAc": 419541,
"pd.dsgPowerDc": 527,
"pd.errCode": 0,
"pd.ext3p8Port": 0,
"pd.ext4p8Port": 0,
"pd.extRj45Port": 0,
"pd.iconAcFreqMode": 1,
"pd.iconAcFreqState": 0,
"pd.iconBmsErrMode": 0,
"pd.iconBmsErrState": 0,
"pd.iconBmsParallelMode": 0,
"pd.iconBmsParallelState": 0,
"pd.iconBtMode": 0,
"pd.iconBtState": 0,
"pd.iconCarMode": 1,
"pd.iconCarState": 0,
"pd.iconChgStationMode": 0,
"pd.iconChgStationState": 0,
"pd.iconCoGasMode": 0,
"pd.iconCoGasState": 0,
"pd.iconEcoMode": 0,
"pd.iconEcoState": 0,
"pd.iconFactoryMode": 0,
"pd.iconFactoryState": 0,
"pd.iconFanMode": 0,
"pd.iconFanState": 0,
"pd.iconGasGenMode": 0,
"pd.iconGasGenState": 0,
"pd.iconHiTempMode": 0,
"pd.iconHiTempState": 0,
"pd.iconInvParallelMode": 0,
"pd.iconInvParallelState": 0,
"pd.iconLowTempMode": 0,
"pd.iconLowTempState": 0,
"pd.iconOverloadMode": 0,
"pd.iconOverloadState": 0,
"pd.iconPackHeaterMode": 0,
"pd.iconPackHeaterState": 0,
"pd.iconRcMode": 0,
"pd.iconRcState": 0,
"pd.iconRechgTimeMode": 0,
"pd.iconRechgTimeState": 0,
"pd.iconSocUpsMode": 0,
"pd.iconSocUpsState": 0,
"pd.iconSolarBracketMode": 0,
"pd.iconSolarBracketState": 0,
"pd.iconSolarPanelMode": 0,
"pd.iconSolarPanelState": 0,
"pd.iconTransSwMode": 0,
"pd.iconTransSwState": 0,
"pd.iconTypecMode": 0,
"pd.iconTypecState": 0,
"pd.iconUsbMode": 0,
"pd.iconUsbState": 0,
"pd.iconWifiMode": 0,
"pd.iconWifiState": 0,
"pd.iconWindGenMode": 0,
"pd.iconWindGenState": 0,
"pd.iconWirelessChgMode": 0,
"pd.iconWirelessChgState": 0,
"pd.invUsedTime": 9940695,
"pd.kit1": 0,
"pd.lcdBrightness": 0,
"pd.lcdOffSec": 300,
"pd.model": 1,
"pd.mpptUsedTime": 691865,
"pd.qcUsb1Watts": 0,
"pd.qcUsb2Watts": 0,
"pd.remainTime": 513,
"pd.soc": 79,
"pd.standByMode": 0,
"pd.sysChgDsgState": 1,
"pd.sysVer": 16908366,
"pd.typccUsedTime": 9985,
"pd.typec1Temp": 26,
"pd.typec1Watts": 0,
"pd.typec2Temp": 26,
"pd.typec2Watts": 0,
"pd.usb1Watts": 0,
"pd.usb2Watts": 0,
"pd.usbUsedTime": 14237,
"pd.usbqcUsedTime": 12133,
"pd.wattsInSum": 0,
"pd.wattsOutSum": 153,
"pd.wifiAutoRcvy": 0,
"pd.wifiRssi": 0,
"pd.wifiVer": 196609,
"pd.wirelessWatts": 0
So, I'm back, now there is an extra battery connected to the DP:
"bmsSlave2.inputWatts": 109 "bmsSlave2.outputWatts": 0 "bmsSlave2.soc": 72 "bmsSlave2.temp": 26
The Delta pro have 2 ports for the extra battery, so the port 1 data are:
"bmsSlave1.inputWatts": 0, "bmsSlave1.outputWatts": 97, "bmsSlave1.soc": 64, "bmsSlave1.temp": 28,
So, when you integrate the extra battery datas in the integration, please do it for both ports.
Hello, what can I do, to integrate the Delta Pro? The prometheus version has it (but I don't use this code)