Open svenerbe opened 1 year ago
You can use the Matter integration for Home Assistant to control the Ecoflow Smart Plugs. Sadly it doesn't support the power consumption at this time but it is better than nothing. I am considering adding the smart plugs as well but I am hoping the that Matter integration will be there first as it would be a first party solution for Home Assistant rather than a HACS one.
Yes, i know about the matter integration - but its coming without power consumption:-( This was why i ask for integration with your solution...
Yes, i know about the matter integration - but its coming without power consumption:-( This was why i ask for integration with your solution...
Did you found a workaround ?
not so far:-(
I'm not able to add smartplug via matter in HomeAssistant
I would also like this feature as I do not have a matter hub.
Today I tried to get the data via mqtt, but unfortenatly there is no useful data for smart plugs available. I´ve contacted Ecoflow for support. Maybe they can fix the results for smart plugs via mqtt.
A small "workaround" would be to read the Smart Plug Loads value from the Powerstream entity. Then at least the sum of all smart plugs would be available for the energy dashboard.
Today I tried to get the data via mqtt, but unfortenatly there is no useful data for smart plugs available. I´ve contacted Ecoflow for support. Maybe they can fix the results for smart plugs via mqtt.
A small "workaround" would be to read the Smart Plug Loads value from the Powerstream entity. Then at least the sum of all smart plugs would be available for the energy dashboard.
Hi, just a comment. you get the data as well for smart plugs via mqtt but you need the proto3 definition for decoding. i have a workaround implemented in my node-red inst. i have used the code snipes from the iobroker implementation
In my solution i have just defined a mqtt client in node red - the decode function with java script and result is than send to homeassitant.
"However, this currently serves as a temporary solution; it would be more elegant to incorporate this functionality directly into the EcoFlow adapter."
Cool. Could you provide your workaround to me? :)
I will see - i need to describe first the workaround.....
@tolwi is there any chance you will add smart plug support? And if so, is there a way I can support you? I found the official http and mqtt documentation for the smart plugs:
looks like they´ve added this recently.
This is the data I was able to receive using a powershell-script from a facebook-group:
DeviceName : DeviceSN : HW52ZDH4SFXXXXXX 2_1.freq : 50 2_1.mqttErrTime : 1706096228 2_1.volt : 229 2_1.geneWatt : 813 2_1.selfEmsSwitch : 1 2_1.geneNum : 1 2_2.task10 : @{taskIndex=9; type=0; timeRange=} : 0 2_2.task11 : @{taskIndex=10; type=0; timeRange=} 2_1.otaDlErr : 0 : 0 2_1.rtcResetReason : 1 2_1.heartbeatFrequency : 2 2_1.switchSta : True 2_1.runTime : 181035 2_1.brightness : 50 2_1.otaDlTlsErr : 0 2_1.staIpAddr : 900901056 2_1.consNum : 4 2_1.selfMac : 1001588976 2_1.matterFabric : 0 2_1.maxCur : 0 2_1.parentWifiRssi : -61 2_1.meshId : 11126051 2_1.wifiErrTime : 1706095944 2_2.updateTime : 2024-01-25 10:55:50 2_1.current : 281 2_1.warnCode : 0 2_1.errCode : 0 2_1.temp : 32 2_1.parentMac : 2045644995 2_1.resetCount : 12 2_1.stackMinFree : 22 2_1.consWatt : -300 2_1.lanState : 4 2_1.resetReason : 1 2_1.meshLayel : 1 2_1.updateTime : 2024-01-26 05:29:45 2_1.watts : 280 2_1.maxWatts : 2500 2_1.meshEnable : 0 2_2.task2 : @{taskIndex=1; type=0; timeRange=} 2_2.task3 : @{taskIndex=2; type=0; timeRange=} 2_2.task4 : @{taskIndex=3; type=0; timeRange=} 2_2.task5 : @{taskIndex=4; type=0; timeRange=} 2_2.task1 : @{taskIndex=0; type=0; timeRange=} 2_1.mqttErr : 6 2_1.stackFree : 69 2_2.task6 : @{taskIndex=5; type=0; timeRange=} 2_1.wifiErr : 27 2_2.task7 : @{taskIndex=6; type=0; timeRange=} 2_2.task8 : @{taskIndex=7; type=0; timeRange=} 2_2.task9 : @{taskIndex=8; type=0; timeRange=}
@tolwi is there any chance you will add smart plug support? And if so, is there a way I can support you? I found the official http and mqtt documentation for the smart plugs:
looks like they´ve added this recently.
interesting - have you already try this api? you know how i can request ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY
You can request a developer access here and then generate them by yourself: I only used some examples from this facebook group:
Any chance somebody is able to help out here?
Hello @xfirf, the API seems quite promising. Perhaps it's worth considering developing a new custom component to utilize the API instead of the MQTT integration. I've put together a simple workaround for myself using the Pyscript integration, which might also be helpful for you.
This script gathers all your registered EcoFlow devices and creates an entry in HA with their parameters.
To do this, you'll need to install Pyscript: Python scripting integration -
You'll also need the EcoFlow AccessKey and SecretKey, which you can request at
In this code, I collect all attributes starting with key.startswith('2_1.') or key.startswith('20_1.') - indicating Powerstream and Smartplugs. After installation you get a new service in HA like 'Pyscript Python scripting: get_ef_device_list_all'
You need just to copy the following code into ha_config/pyscript:
# Example Code to obtain data from API for specific sensors on an EcoFlow device
# Mark Hicks - 01/29/2024
# written by - 14/02/2024
# short description
# script collect all reqistered devices from ecoflow api and creates a entity_id sensor.ecoflow_myapi_{device_name}
# prerequest:
# Pyscript: Python scripting integration -
# ecoflow AccessKey and SecretKey - needs to request on
# please change accesskey and secret in the script
import sys
import json
import requests
import hashlib
import hmac
import random
import time
import binascii
from urllib.parse import urlencode
def hmac_sha256(data, key):
hashed ='utf-8'), data.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest()
sign = binascii.hexlify(hashed).decode('utf-8')
return sign
def get_map(json_obj, prefix=""):
def flatten(obj, pre=""):
result = {}
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
result.update(flatten(v, f"{pre}.{k}" if pre else k))
elif isinstance(obj, list):
for i, item in enumerate(obj):
result.update(flatten(item, f"{pre}[{i}]"))
else: result[pre] = obj
return result
return flatten(json_obj, prefix)
def get_qstr(params): return '&'.join([f"{key}={params[key]}" for key in sorted(params.keys())])
def get_api(url, key, secret, params=None):
nonce = str(random.randint(100000, 999999))
timestamp = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
headers = {'accessKey':key,'nonce':nonce,'timestamp':timestamp}
sign_str = (get_qstr(get_map(params)) + '&' if params else '') + get_qstr(headers)
headers['sign'] = hmac_sha256(sign_str, secret)
response = task.executor(requests.get, url, headers=headers, json=params)
if response.status_code == 200: return response.json()
else: print(f"get_api: {response.text}")
def get_ef_device_list_all(return_response=True):
url = ''
url_details = ''
quotas = ["inv.cfgAcEnabled","inv.cfgAcXboost","bms_bmsStatus.hwVersion"]
#params = {"cmdSet":32,"id":66,"quotas":quotas}
# Replace with valid access/secret keys and device SN
accesskey = 'Example123'
secret = 'Example123'
payload = get_api(url,accesskey,secret)
response_data = payload
devices = response_data['data']
if 'data' in payload:
devices = payload['data']
for device in devices:
device_sn = device['sn']
device_name = device['deviceName']
if device_name:
device_name_clean = device_name.replace(" ", "").replace("ü", "ue").replace("ö", "oe").replace("ä", "ae")
device_name_clean = ""
device_name = device_name_clean
if device_name: # Überprüfen, ob der Gerätenamen nicht leer ist
sensor_entity_id = f'sensor.ecoflow_myapi_{device_name}'
sensor_entity_id = f'sensor.ecoflow_myapi_{device_sn}'
# get details
url_string = url_details + '?sn=' + device_sn
payload_details = get_api(url_string,accesskey,secret,{"sn":device_sn})
attributes = {'device_name': device_name, 'online': device['online'], 'serialnumber': device_sn}
if 'data' in payload_details:
details = payload_details['data']
for key, value in details.items():
if key.startswith('2_1.') or key.startswith('20_1.'):
attributes[key] = value
hass.states.async_set(sensor_entity_id, 'State', attributes=attributes)
Cool thanks a lot for this. I'll try to get it working and give you feedback later. :-)
@svenerbe This is so cool. Thanks for the script. Finally I have the consumption splitted by device and when the Powerstream is offline 🥳
I added a template helper with this code after installing the python add-on and the script:
{{ (float(state_attr('sensor.ecoflow_myapi_kuehlschrank', '2_1.watts'))) / 10 }}
Division by 10 as ecoflow provides the watts without semicolon for the decimals, for example 25watt consumption will be shown as 250 instead.
Hi, great. how you have scheduled the function? via automation? for power consumption you are right - Operating output power: is 0.1 W - you need division by 10.
yes, I´ve setup an automation restarting the script every minute:
alias: Ecoflow Smart Plugs Update
description: ""
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: /1
condition: []
- service: pyscript.get_ef_device_list_all
data: {}
mode: single
Thanks a lot! I have done all the steps described to install Pyscript and have copied the script. I also can run the service in HA like 'Pyscript Python scripting: get_ef_device_list_all' but I am not sure if the return is correct and how to get the values like in @xfirf 's post.
Could you please help me what the next steps would be ?
KR Nick
After the initial setup you have to setup a automation running this script regulary to get updates. Mine is shown above.
Then you need to create helpers to extract the attributes and map them to sensors you can use for other stuff:
Einstellungen / Geräte & Dienste / Helfer / Helfer erstellen / Template / Template für einen Sensor erstellen
And then copy this into "Zustandstemplate":
{{ (float(state_attr('sensor.ecoflow_myapi_kuehlschrank', '2_1.watts'))) / 10 }}
the /10 is needed as ecoflow provides the watts without a comma or dot but multiplied by 10 to provide them without those characters. you have to change the 'kuehlschrank' regarding to the names you chose for your smart plugs.
I have done like described, but something isn't working. how do I know the correct names? how can I check which values are received with the script ?
@svenerbe @xfirf Thanks for scripting. It!
@Nick75wien First, check "Einstellungen - System - Protokolle" that will help you to find log/error-info from scripting
Be sure in EcoFlow-App that all device name of ecoflow-components (Powerstream, Delta, Plugs...and other) are also "phyton - like". A hyphen in name was the problem...and the script will stopped!!! "EF-PLug-1" is my bad example, "EF Plug 1" was better ...
Or, you can add a position to the scripting from Sven :
search the position device_name_clean = device_name.replace...
and add this:
device_name_clean = device_name.replace(" ","").replace("ü","ue").replace("ö","oe").replace("ä","ae").replace("-","")
That was my solution to find the plugs as new entities...
Got it - as mentioned it was in the name of the plugs - i had / in it :-)
i tried it and get the following message in my log: Exception in
i modified in the script only AccessKey and SecretKey.
see comment above - this is a problem with your device name, there a 2 option: 1. rename your devices in ecoflow app, 2. replace you specific char in the script - you can search in the script for device_name.replace.
I renamed all Plugs to english. It didn't worked. Renamed it back to german. Wrote all in small letters. He created only empty entity's without unique ID's
maybe you have a unsupported device for the ecoflow api. Looks like there is no attribute in the payload for device_name. you can replace line 76 with the following:
device_name = device.get('deviceName')
if 'deviceName' in device:
# Key exists
device_name = device['deviceName']
thank you very much. :-) Problem solved. It was an unknown device.
Another question: Is there a solution to use it as a switch?
Unfortunately I can't get any further here, I have filed the script under (/homeassistant/pyscript) - the name of the file : ( did Restart etc. But I don't see any SmartPlugs. On I don't see any devices either, is that correct? Best, René
i am having trouble to import my plugs its stucked on my powerstream somehow
2024-09-09 21:41:01.031 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.pyscript.file.get_ef_device_list_all.get_ef_device_list_all] Exception in <file.get_ef_device_list_all.get_ef_device_list_all> line 99: hass.states.async_set(sensor_entity_id, 'State', attributes=attributes) ^ InvalidEntityFormatError: Invalid entity id encountered: sensor.ecoflow_myapi_powerstream 5156. Format should be <domain>.<object_id> 2024-09-09 21:42:01.008 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.pyscript.file.get_ef_device_list_all.get_ef_device_list_all] Exception in <file.get_ef_device_list_all.get_ef_device_list_all> line 99: hass.states.async_set(sensor_entity_id, 'State', attributes=attributes) ^ InvalidEntityFormatError: Invalid entity id encountered: sensor.ecoflow_myapi_powerstream 5156. Format should be <domain>.<object_id> 2024-09-09 21:43:01.029 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.pyscript.file.get_ef_device_list_all.get_ef_device_list_all] Exception in <file.get_ef_device_list_all.get_ef_device_list_all> line 99: hass.states.async_set(sensor_entity_id, 'State', attributes=attributes) ^ InvalidEntityFormatError: Invalid entity id encountered: sensor.ecoflow_myapi_powerstream 5156. Format should be <domain>.<object_id>
Have you tried the new API support for the Hassio-EcoFlow Cloud integration? The Smart Plug is now supported through the API.
Hello, thanks for this great integration for EcoFlow devices. It is possible to integrate the smart plugs as well?
I think the sensor values can be collect similar to powerstream with this protobuf....
i'm looking for power consumption and as well to control the Smart Plugs On/Off.