tolwi / hassio-ecoflow-cloud

EcoFlow Cloud Integration for Home Assistant
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Delta 2 sensor unknown #249

Closed Gobolin80 closed 3 weeks ago

Gobolin80 commented 3 weeks ago


I have been using the integration with a River2 for a year, and everything works fine. Today, I added a Delta2, and all its sensors are "unknown," while the River2 continues to work. The strange thing is that when I download the diagnostics, I find the Delta2 information under the River2 diagnostics, while the Delta2 diagnostics are empty.

IMPORTANT: The River2 JSON remains the same even after removing the integration with the Delta2.

Below are the JSON files.

Thanks for support

Diagnostic DELTA2:

{ "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2024.5.5", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.12.2", "docker": true, "arch": "aarch64", "timezone": "Europe/Rome", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.6.28-haos-raspi", "supervisor": "2024.05.1", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 12.3", "docker_version": "25.0.5", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "ecoflow_cloud": { "documentation": "", "version": "0.13.3", "requirements": [ "paho-mqtt==1.6.1", "reactivex==4.0.4", "protobuf>=4.23.0" ] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "ecoflow_cloud", "name": "Ecoflow-Cloud", "codeowners": [ "@tolwi" ], "config_flow": true, "documentation": "", "iot_class": "cloud_push", "issue_tracker": "", "requirements": [ "paho-mqtt==1.6.1", "reactivex==4.0.4", "protobuf>=4.23.0" ], "version": "0.13.3", "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "device": "DELTA_2", "params": {}, "set": [], "set_reply": [], "get": [], "get_reply": [], "raw_data": [] } }

Diagnostic RIVER2:

{ "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2024.5.5", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.12.2", "docker": true, "arch": "aarch64", "timezone": "Europe/Rome", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.6.28-haos-raspi", "supervisor": "2024.05.1", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 12.3", "docker_version": "25.0.5", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "ecoflow_cloud": { "documentation": "", "version": "0.13.3", "requirements": [ "paho-mqtt==1.6.1", "reactivex==4.0.4", "protobuf>=4.23.0" ] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "ecoflow_cloud", "name": "Ecoflow-Cloud", "codeowners": [ "@tolwi" ], "config_flow": true, "documentation": "", "iot_class": "cloud_push", "issue_tracker": "", "requirements": [ "paho-mqtt==1.6.1", "reactivex==4.0.4", "protobuf>=4.23.0" ], "version": "0.13.3", "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "device": "DELTA_2", "params": { "bms_bmsStatus.amp": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.bmsFault": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.bqSysStatReg": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.cellId": 2, "bms_bmsStatus.cycles": 43, "bms_bmsStatus.designCap": 20000, "bms_bmsStatus.errCode": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.f32ShowSoc": 99.0, "bms_bmsStatus.fullCap": 17914, "bms_bmsStatus.inputWatts": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.maxCellTemp": 30, "bms_bmsStatus.maxCellVol": 3296, "bms_bmsStatus.maxMosTemp": 30, "bms_bmsStatus.minCellTemp": 30, "bms_bmsStatus.minCellVol": 3296, "bms_bmsStatus.minMosTemp": 30, "bms_bmsStatus.num": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.openBmsIdx": 1, "bms_bmsStatus.outputWatts": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.remainCap": 17729, "bms_bmsStatus.remainTime": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.soc": 99, "bms_bmsStatus.soh": 100, "bms_bmsStatus.sysVer": 33620318, "bms_bmsStatus.tagChgAmp": 20000, "bms_bmsStatus.temp": 30, "bms_bmsStatus.type": 1, "bms_bmsStatus.vol": 13, "bms_emsStatus.bmsIsConnt": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "bms_emsStatus.bmsModel": 0, "bms_emsStatus.bmsWarState": 0, "bms_emsStatus.chgAmp": 0, "bms_emsStatus.chgCmd": 2, "bms_emsStatus.chgRemainTime": 5999, "bms_emsStatus.chgState": 0, "bms_emsStatus.chgVol": 13, "bms_emsStatus.dsgCmd": 1, "bms_emsStatus.dsgRemainTime": 5999, "bms_emsStatus.emsIsNormalFlag": 1, "bms_emsStatus.f32LcdShowSoc": 98.9, "bms_emsStatus.fanLevel": 0, "bms_emsStatus.lcdShowSoc": 99, "bms_emsStatus.maxAvailNum": 0, "bms_emsStatus.maxChargeSoc": 100, "bms_emsStatus.maxCloseOilEb": 0, "bms_emsStatus.minDsgSoc": 5, "bms_emsStatus.minOpenOilEb": 0, "bms_emsStatus.openBmsIdx": 0, "bms_emsStatus.openUpsFlag": 0, "bms_emsStatus.paraVolMax": 0, "bms_emsStatus.paraVolMin": 0, "inv.FastChgWatts": 0, "inv.SlowChgWatts": 0, "inv.acDipSwitch": 0, "inv.acInAmp": 749, "inv.acInFreq": 50, "inv.acInVol": 245167, "inv.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "inv.cfgAcOutFreq": 2, "inv.cfgAcOutVol": 0, "inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0, "inv.cfgAcXboost": 0, "inv.chargerType": 1, "inv.chgPauseFlag": 0, "inv.dcInAmp": 0, "inv.dcInTemp": 0, "inv.dcInVol": 0, "inv.dischargeType": 0, "inv.errCode": 0, "inv.fanState": 0, "inv.inputWatts": 40, "inv.invOutAmp": 287, "inv.invOutFreq": 50, "inv.invOutVol": 243423, "inv.invType": 0, "inv.outTemp": 43, "inv.outputWatts": 40, "inv.reserved": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "inv.standbyMins": 0, "inv.sysVer": 50397498, "mppt.acStandbyMins": 0, "mppt.beepState": 0, "mppt.carOutAmp": 0, "mppt.carOutVol": 0, "mppt.carOutWatts": 0, "mppt.carStandbyMin": 0, "mppt.carState": 0, "mppt.carTemp": 24, "mppt.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "mppt.cfgAcOutFreq": 50, "mppt.cfgAcOutVol": 230, "mppt.cfgAcXboost": 0, "mppt.cfgChgType": 0, "mppt.cfgChgWatts": 150, "mppt.chgPauseFlag": 0, "mppt.chgState": 0, "mppt.chgType": 0, "mppt.dc24vState": 0, "mppt.dc24vTemp": 0, "mppt.dcChgCurrent": 8000, "mppt.dcdc12vAmp": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vVol": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 0, "mppt.dischargeType": 0, "mppt.faultCode": 4096, "mppt.inAmp": 0, "mppt.inVol": 1162, "mppt.inWatts": 0, "mppt.mpptTemp": 0, "mppt.outAmp": 0, "mppt.outVol": 13193, "mppt.outWatts": 0, "mppt.powStandbyMin": 0, "mppt.res": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "mppt.scrStandbyMin": 300, "mppt.swVer": 33620318, "mppt.x60ChgType": 0, "pd.acAutoOutConfig": 1, "pd.acAutoOutPause": 0, "pd.beepMode": 0, "pd.bmsInfoFull": 300000, "pd.bmsInfoIncre": 15000, "pd.bmsRunIncre": 30000, "pd.bpPowerSoc": 66, "pd.brightLevel": 100, "pd.carState": 0, "pd.carTemp": 0, "pd.carUsedTime": 6221, "pd.carWatts": 0, "pd.chgDsgState": 0, "pd.chgPowerAC": 12018, "pd.chgPowerDC": 0, "pd.chgSunPower": 0, "pd.dcInUsedTime": 0, "pd.dcOutState": 0, "pd.dsgPowerAC": 11286, "pd.dsgPowerDC": 16, "pd.errCode": 0, "pd.ext3p8Port": 0, "pd.ext4p8Port": 0, "pd.extRj45Port": 0, "pd.hysteresisAdd": 5, "pd.icoBytes": [ 0, 0, 132, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "pd.invUsedTime": 870105, "pd.lcdOffSec": 300, "pd.minAcoutSoc": 5, "pd.model": 0, "pd.mpptUsedTime": 0, "pd.pdInfoFull": 300000, "pd.pdInfoIncre": 2000, "pd.pdRunIncre": 30000, "pd.qcUsb1Watts": 0, "pd.qcUsb2Watts": 0, "pd.relaySwitchCnt": 2, "pd.remainTime": 5999, "pd.soc": 99, "pd.standbyMin": 30, "pd.sysVer": 33621313, "pd.typec1Temp": 0, "pd.typec1Watts": 0, "pd.typec2Temp": 0, "pd.typec2Watts": 0, "pd.typecChaWatts": 0, "pd.typecUsedTime": 1065, "pd.usb1Watts": 0, "pd.usb2Watts": 0, "pd.usbUsedTime": 0, "pd.usbqcUsedTime": 0, "pd.watchIsConfig": 0, "pd.wattsInSum": 40, "pd.wattsOutSum": 40, "pd.wifiAutoRcvy": 0, "pd.wifiRssi": 0, "pd.wifiVer": 0, "pd.wireWatts": 0, "timestamp": 1717412244 }, "set": [], "set_reply": [], "get": [ { "from": "HomeAssistant", "id": "999919441", "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "latestQuotas", "params": {}, "version": "1.1" } ], "get_reply": [ { "code": "0", "data": { "sn": "R601ZEB5HF1V0522", "productType": 70, "model": 1, "online": 1, "quotaMap": { "mppt.faultCode": 4096, "mppt.dc24vState": 0, "bms_emsStatus.maxChargeSoc": 100, "pd.wattsInSum": 43, "pd.wifiVer": 0, "inv.cfgAcWorkMode": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.designCap": 20000, "bms_bmsStatus.temp": 30, "bms_bmsStatus.f32ShowSoc": 99.0, "pd.bpPowerSoc": 66, "bms_bmsStatus.outputWatts": 0, "pd.beepMode": 0, "pd.typec2Watts": 0, "inv.outputWatts": 43, "inv.invOutFreq": 50, "bms_bmsStatus.vol": 13, "mppt.inAmp": 0, "bms_emsStatus.bmsIsConnt": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "bms_emsStatus.dsgCmd": 1, "bms_bmsStatus.fullCap": 17914, "mppt.inVol": 1162, "bms_emsStatus.chgVol": 13, "inv.fanState": 0, "pd.icoBytes": [ 0, 0, 132, 0, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "pd.usb1Watts": 0, "inv.cfgAcXboost": 0, "inv.outTemp": 43, "mppt.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "pd.bmsInfoFull": 900000, "mppt.res": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "mppt.dcdc12vAmp": 0, "inv.invOutVol": 246113, "pd.extRj45Port": 0, "inv.inputWatts": 43, "bms_emsStatus.chgAmp": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.errCode": 0, "mppt.cfgAcOutVol": 230, "bms_emsStatus.chgState": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.inputWatts": 0, "bms_emsStatus.openBmsIdx": 0, "pd.watchIsConfig": 0, "pd.typec2Temp": 0, "pd.carUsedTime": 6221, "inv.chgPauseFlag": 0, "inv.acInFreq": 50, "pd.typec1Watts": 0, "pd.chgDsgState": 0, "mppt.carStandbyMin": 0, "pd.soc": 99, "inv.invOutAmp": 287, "pd.minAcoutSoc": 5, "bms_emsStatus.fanLevel": 0, "mppt.cfgAcOutFreq": 50, "mppt.carOutVol": 0, "inv.dcInVol": 0, "pd.ext3p8Port": 0, "mppt.cfgAcXboost": 0, "pd.dsgPowerDC": 16, "inv.SlowChgWatts": 0, "inv.dcInAmp": 0, "pd.typecUsedTime": 1065, "mppt.carOutAmp": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.remainCap": 17730, "pd.brightLevel": 100, "inv.dcInTemp": 0, "bms_emsStatus.maxAvailNum": 0, "bms_emsStatus.maxCloseOilEb": 0, "mppt.dcdc12vVol": 0, "pd.wattsOutSum": 43, "mppt.scrStandbyMin": 300, "mppt.carOutWatts": 0, "pd.relaySwitchCnt": 2, "inv.cfgAcEnabled": 1, "bms_emsStatus.f32LcdShowSoc": 98.9, "mppt.outVol": 13193, "bms_emsStatus.paraVolMax": 0, "mppt.chgType": 0, "inv.acDipSwitch": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.bmsFault": 0, "mppt.cfgChgType": 0, "bms_emsStatus.paraVolMin": 0, "pd.pdInfoIncre": 30000, "inv.standbyMins": 0, "inv.dischargeType": 0, "pd.carState": 0, "mppt.chgState": 0, "pd.acAutoOutConfig": 1, "pd.invUsedTime": 870105, "bms_emsStatus.bmsWarState": 0, "mppt.carState": 0, "mppt.dischargeType": 0, "pd.typec1Temp": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.sysVer": 33620318, "pd.dcInUsedTime": 0, "mppt.carTemp": 24, "pd.model": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.minCellVol": 3296, "bms_bmsStatus.cycles": 43, "mppt.outWatts": 0, "pd.bmsRunIncre": 30000, "pd.wifiAutoRcvy": 0, "pd.remainTime": 5999, "bms_bmsStatus.maxCellVol": 3296, "bms_bmsStatus.type": 1, "bms_bmsStatus.maxCellTemp": 30, "mppt.outAmp": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.cellId": 2, "pd.ext4p8Port": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.minMosTemp": 30, "pd.typecChaWatts": 0, "mppt.chgPauseFlag": 0, "bms_emsStatus.minOpenOilEb": 0, "mppt.acStandbyMins": 0, "mppt.powStandbyMin": 0, "inv.chargerType": 1, "pd.hysteresisAdd": 5, "pd.chgSunPower": 0, "pd.carTemp": 0, "inv.acInAmp": 749, "bms_bmsStatus.bqSysStatReg": 0, "bms_emsStatus.chgRemainTime": 5999, "bms_bmsStatus.openBmsIdx": 1, "pd.dsgPowerAC": 11286, "pd.qcUsb2Watts": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.num": 0, "pd.wireWatts": 0, "pd.chgPowerAC": 12018, "pd.lcdOffSec": 300, "pd.acAutoOutPause": 0, "inv.acInVol": 248086, "inv.FastChgWatts": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.soc": 99, "mppt.beepState": 0, "pd.sysVer": 33621313, "pd.pdInfoFull": 900000, "mppt.dc24vTemp": 0, "bms_emsStatus.chgCmd": 2, "bms_bmsStatus.tagChgAmp": 20000, "pd.bmsInfoIncre": 30000, "bms_bmsStatus.maxMosTemp": 30, "mppt.cfgChgWatts": 150, "pd.qcUsb1Watts": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.minCellTemp": 30, "pd.chgPowerDC": 0, "pd.standbyMin": 30, "mppt.swVer": 33620318, "inv.cfgAcOutFreq": 2, "mppt.x60ChgType": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.soh": 100, "inv.errCode": 0, "bms_emsStatus.openUpsFlag": 0, "bms_emsStatus.minDsgSoc": 5, "mppt.dcdc12vWatts": 0, "pd.usbqcUsedTime": 0, "bms_bmsStatus.remainTime": 0, "pd.dcOutState": 0, "bms_emsStatus.emsIsNormalFlag": 1, "mppt.inWatts": 0, "pd.usbUsedTime": 0, "pd.mpptUsedTime": 0, "inv.reserved": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "mppt.mpptTemp": 0, "pd.wifiRssi": 0, "pd.pdRunIncre": 120000, "bms_bmsStatus.amp": 0, "inv.invType": 0, "bms_emsStatus.lcdShowSoc": 99, "inv.cfgAcOutVol": 0, "bms_emsStatus.bmsModel": 0, "pd.errCode": 0, "pd.carWatts": 0, "pd.usb2Watts": 0, "mppt.dcChgCurrent": 8000, "inv.sysVer": 50397498, "bms_emsStatus.dsgRemainTime": 5999 } }, "id": 999919441, "moduleType": 0, "operateType": "latestQuotas", "version": "1.1" } ], "raw_data": [] } }

Gobolin80 commented 3 weeks ago

I have resolved the issue. I'm sharing the solution for any users who might have the same problem. The 'name' to be entered during the integration registration is case-sensitive. Specifically, my device was named 'DELTA 2' in the app, but I had registered it as 'Delta 2'. After correcting this, it started working properly.

However, I still have doubts regarding the Delta 2 info appearing in the River 2 json.